Big Trouble For the Distinct Attorney and the Feudal Court Judges?
ALSO: The Hypocrite, Baby-Murdering Ruling Elite "Plays Catholic," and the Era of Mayhem Is Upon Us
The Ruling Elite Congregate
Very recently, the Ruling Elite on Staten Island had an opportunity to congregate and assert their dominance over the Church. On the occasion of a celebration for a very accomplished, moral, and pious man of the cloth, a collection of Pirates, Scallywags, and Political Hacks were in attendance. The vast majority of this Ruling Elite claim to be Roman Catholic. The Elected and Public Officials among them have also publicly stated (as Liberal Democrats in the Nancy Pelosi mold) that they are Pro-Choice and support Baby Murder. This position for a Public Official is inconsistent with Church teaching and promotes grievous sin. There is a substantial question about whether these Ruling Elites can continue to receive Holy Communion.

The apparent inconsistency of the Ruling Elite and the First Family’s presence at this event and the apparent moral impotence of Church officials in the face of political hackery and grievous sin aside, Our Hero Luthmann must take this occasion to make an important point: the hegemony of this Ruling Elite may very well be coming to an end.
Luthmann has requested subpoenas for the Distinct Attorney and his Judge wife. The prosecutor, the Special Schmuck, opened the door to the First Family being placed in Luthmann’s firing line of cross-examination because the Special Schmuck filed a motion to extend an Order of Protection to cover the Distinct Attorney’s entire family, including the Feudal Court Judge. Rather than simply submit the documents to the Clerk of the Court to correct a “ministerial error,” the Special Schmuck presented the issue to the Court as a full-blown motion. And as even a housewife knows, in the State of New York a hearing on an Order of Protection requires a witness, and that witness is subject to cross-examination.
What will Luthmann ask the Distinct Attorney? What will Luthmann ask the Feudal Court Judge? Will it have anything to do with dishonesty involving how the Distinct Attorney’s Office procured warrants from prosecution-friendly judges? Will it have to do with other issues involving truthfulness and dishonesty stemming back to the Distinct Attorney’s previous elections in the Silly Council and as a Representative? Will it have to do with statements made by the Judge? All Luthmann knows is that it’s one big perjury trap that no one would want to walk into, let alone two Elected Officials and Lawyers. That’s how Bill Clinton lost his law license.
Sitting with the First Family was the wife of another prominent judge (who as a lawyer represented Paul Castellano) appointed by the afore-mentioned Pro-Choice Rapist. At some point, Luthmann will have the opportunity to question this witness because her testimony is central to the credibility of the bullshit allegation that Luthmann tried to pay an exotic dancer $10,000 to say the Distinct Attorney is a Rapist. The First Family’s own lawyers were directed to spread this bullshit to the press, and it was gobbled up by the First Family’s Long-Time Press Secretary, who is also the Editor in Chief of the Local Paper.
Also in attendance on the night in question was our favorite “political contract man,” the C-LINE State Party Chairman. For those of you following at home, this isn’t the Local C-Line Boss whose grandson is in trouble and the Distinct Attorney still hasn’t recused.

No, this C-Line State Chair is the weasel-HACK on the FBI’s (Feudal Bureau of Investigation) radar, who is “straightening everything out” for the Distinct Attorney, the First Family, and the troubled grandson by looking to deliver the C-Line to the Distinct Attorney and his Judge wife in their upcoming elections. Leave it to the C-Line State Chair to endorse Pro-Choice, Nancy Pelosi, Liberal Democrats, and say in the same breath that such endorsements are in line with “conservative values.”
But the C-Line State Chair is in Luthmann’s cross-hairs and may very well be subpoenaed. So let’s ask ourselves a question? When the C-Line State Chair (who would give up his own mother if the price is right) is questioned under oath? Will he lie and perjure himself for the First Family and the Ruling Elite? Of course not. At that time, will we know exactly where the C-Line State Chair received details of confidential FBI investigations from? The C-Line State Chair will be the first one to point out the “leaky seals” because he won’t go down with the Ruling Elite’s ship. The C-Line State Chair will sing like Pavorotti. It’s not in his DNA not to save his own skin.

Most concerning is the fact that Luthmann’s Judge was sitting across the table from the C-Line State Chair and at the table next to the Distinct Attorney and his Political Hack/Judge Wife who has admittedly “shut up” those who spoke to the press about the First Family’s misdeeds. Luthmann has already raised concerns in filed court documents about Luthmann’s Judge being manipulated by the Distinct Attorney and the Ruling Elite. Luthmann’s next court date is June 8, 2022, and Luthmann has asked for subpoenas of the Distinct Attorney and his Judge wife that would be issued as a matter of course in any other case. We will know then and there if the First Family, the Ruling Elite, and/or the C-Line State Chair “got to” Luthmann’s Judge. If this matter is not handled carefully, legally, and without corruption, there could be big trouble for the Distinct Attorney and the Feudal Court Judges involved.
Wolves Among the Flock?
A larger question has to be asked: What influence does the Ruling Elite generally (and the Distinct Attorney in particular) have over the Church? Are Chuch Officials engaged in willful blindness to the activities of a Public Official who publicly supports the grievous sin of Baby Murder? It certainly appears to be so for the Distinct Attorney, who looks extremely at ease with the assembled men of the cloth.

Why is the fox allowed in the henhouse? Why would Chuch Officials allow a fierce wolf - a defender of the perpetrators of grievous sin - to invade the flock and poison the hearts and minds of the faithful? Maybe it is already too late. Maybe Church Officials are already irretrievable charmed by the silver tongue of the Distinct Attorney. What else would explain this willful blindness that threatens to corrupt the souls of the faithful?
Hall of Fame No More?
The Distinct Attorney is also a 2013 “Hall of Fame” inductee at his Catholic high school alma mater. Luthmann has directly asked the high school’s President and CEO how on God’s green earth is a Baby Murderer an example for formative young men? And what does it say of a “Hall of Fame” if an individual who continues to perpetrate grievous sin still holds a place of honor?

Moreover, the Church’s communications department at the Archdiocese received notice of the Distinct Attorney’s Pro-Choice stance on May 24, 2022. At the same time, the Church’s communications department also received notice that the high school’s President and CEO was aware of the issue.

Weeks later, nothing has been done. Can the Distinct Attorney and the Ruling Elite now cut back-room deals with the Church? Have the fierce wolves so thoroughly invaded the flock on the Isle of Staten?
Luthmann Litigation Update: What Does Luthmann Want?
Evidently, the Distinct Attorney and his Feudal Judge wife are worried. They are worried so much that the Distinct Attorney “bumped into” a prominent attorney and asked what would make Luthmann go away. Luthmann will give the answer. Nothing. There is nothing that the Special Schmuck, the Distinct Attorney, the First Family, the Ruling Elite, or anyone else can threaten Luthmann with because Luthmann can’t be punished anymore. They already destroyed Luthmann’s marriage, livelihood, career, law license, reputation, finances, health, four years of his life, and what was left of his sanity. Now Luthmann wants to burn the whole thing down - using lawful means, and he will keep coming back and back and back as long as it takes.
It was said before that at least the Sicilians and the Clintons were smart enough to make corpses out of their enemies. Luthmann has become an Underground Man, and the Distinct Attorney has made him so. Because of the bullshit Fake Facebook, First Amendment case, Luthmann cannot get a Certificate of Relief From Civil Disability A Certificate of Relief removes legal bars imposed as a result of conviction of the crime and restores the right to apply and be considered for employment and certain business license. You are eligible for a Certificate of Relief from Disabilities if you have been convicted of any number of misdemeanors and no more than one felony.
Luthmann is going to fight the Fake Facebook case tooth and nail. Because of the Fake Facebook felony, Luthmann cannot obtain a Certificate of Relief. This means that Luthmann has no chance of any gainful employment or obtaining a business license to sell real estate, broker mortgages, sell insurance, or practice a trade. Luthmann is a truly the Underground Man. Luthmann is precluded from normal society. While others wake up and go to a job, Luthmann - because of his physical and mental health - is precluded from most physical jobs. And because of the disabilities conferred by the Fake Facebook felony, Luthmann is unhireable in any other setting. Luthmann can’t work for himself because he can’t get a license to do anything. Luthmann resides in the shadows, at the borders, and on the fringes. And that is a real problem for Political Hacks like the First Family and the Ruling Elite because the boogeyman now comes from every direction.
Luthmann wakes up early in the morning and thinks about how he’s going to take down the First Family and the Ruling Elite. While others fill their day with their jobs, families, and activities, Luthmann has no such distractions. Fueled by caffeine and pure spite, Luthmann has computers, law books, recordings, court transcripts, newspaper clippings, and other evidence. It has been this way for several years - while Luthmann stewed in the dungeons, and it will always be this way until Luthmann has vanquished the enemy. Who made who? The Political Hacks that are the First Family and the Ruling Elite made Luthmann’s Hell to preserve their own political skins. Now, Luthmann now has the chance to return the favor and deliver Living Hell to the First Family and the Ruling Elite. Luthmann hopes the First Family and the Ruling Elite enjoyed their brief respite of “peace of mind and a return to normalcy.” The Era of Mayhem has already begun.
What’s Next?
Is there more? Of course, there is more. Luthmann is armed with many weapons in the Great Troll War.
For those following, the Feudal Courts showdown is scheduled for June 8, 2022. Our hero recently experienced a death in the family and has major surgery planned for June 7, 2022, so it is unlikely that there will be a hearing that day. But you never know what “political contracts” and “back-room deals” happen in the Feudal Courts. Luthmann will try to dispose of the first Special Schmuck if Luthmann can get a fair shake.
But there will be many more Enemies to come. What new Enemies will show their faces in the Feudal Court and elsewhere? Which members of the Ruling Elite should be worried, and which will be subpoenaed? What other persons may become collateral damage in this story? And what magical weapons does Luthmann have to slay his Enemies?
Stay tuned. Much more to come.
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