"Child Molester" and "Psychopath"
Luthmann Submits Damning Evidence to CT Family Court About Christopher Ambrose
Richard Luthmann is a writer, investigative journalist, and member of the National Writers Union. Recently, he penned a letter to the Connecticut Family Court in Bridgeport, Connecticut, enclosing documents about disgraced Hollywood Writer Christopher Ambrose and allegations of pedophilia obtained in a newsgathering capacity.
Child Molester and Psychopath?
Making an amicus (friend of the court) submission, Luthmann supplied daming evidence for the Fairfield County Superior Court to consider.

"I believe Christopher Ambrose is a pedophile and not only allows but glorifies underage drinking, sex, and pedophilia in his home...I would ask the Court to consider the following documents, obtained by me in a newsgathering capacity," Luthmann wrote.
One document supplied is an email dated June 6, 2023, between Attorney Michael G. Curley of Murtha Cullina, LLP, and Nancy Stewart, Kelly Burke, and Michelle Peterson of the Connecticut Department of Children and Families (DCF). In this email, there is a reference to “a new allegation of penetration.”
Luthmann asks the Family Court to get to the bottom of what appears not to be the first allegation of penetration related to Christopher Ambrose. "Attorney Curley is an officer of the Court, and DCF is also answerable to the Court," Luthmann writes.
Also included is a Report dated May 29, 2023, by New York City Private Investigator Manuel Gomez and addressed to Prosecutor Charles Kruly in the Western District of New York US Attorney Trini Ross’s Office and Special Agent Brian Burns of the FBI Office-Buffalo. PI Gomez describes the video evidence he transmitted to the authorities detailing child molestation by Christopher Ambrose.
Luthmann's letter also includes a report dated May 3, 2023, from Dr. Bandy Lee, MD, MDiv, warning of Christopher Ambrose’s dangerousness where his children are involved. Dr. Lee's medical opinion on Christopher Ambrose is "strongly suggestive that a diagnosis of psychopathy is present and justified—or, at the very least, that disturbing levels of psychopathic features are present."
Mia Ambrose's Statement of Christopher Ambrose's Abuse
The Amicus submission also contains a signed statement from Mia Ambrose (16) detailing her adoptive father, Christopher Ambrose's cruel, racist, and abusive words and actions.
"My father, who is white, called me a beaner because of my Guatemalan heritage...He called me fat. He questioned my gender. He called me a bitch. He would say I'm dumb and a horrible sister to my brothers. One day, he told me to kill myself," Mia Ambrose's affidavit reads.
Mia Ambrose recounts inappropriate sexual contact.
"[I]t got to the point where he would grab my butt or my breasts. When I objected, he said, 'Stop being a baby. It’s just a prank.' I would walk to the bathroom. The next thing I knew, I was getting grabbed from behind. My father would grab my butt with his hand and squeeze it. I told my father I was uncomfortable with him touching me. He would say, 'it's just a joke. You're being a baby'," the statement says.
Mia Ambrose recounts that Christopher Ambrose would try to watch his daughter shower and change.
"My room was in the basement at my dad's house, which had no lock. My father started to come down when I was changing or taking a shower. It happened almost every day...It got to the point where I would change in a locked bathroom because he would otherwise come in just when I was changing," the statement says.
The statement also claims Christopher Ambrose incessantly allows underage drinking, drug use, and sex in his Madison, Connecticut, home. Ambrose is fully aware of the activities and does not stop them. He glorifies them.
"[Christopher Ambrose] knew there was alcohol. One day, he said he heard older male voices in the basement. Then he said, 'I found a condom under your bed. I just want to make sure you and your friends are being safe. I'm glad you guys are using protection.' He permitted this behavior, knowing the boys were over 18, some men were in their twenties, and the girls were as young as 14," the complaint says.
Luthmann included a previously-published article with pictures of the underage alcohol, drugs, and sex parties, corroborated by Mia Ambrose's statement.
Luthmann says the evidence shows Christopher Ambrose has allowed and encouraged his home to become a den of iniquity. Men aged 23 regularly have sex with children aged 14 and 15 after plying them with alcohol and drugs.

Will Chris Ambrose Get Busted?
Allowing an underage drinking party in your Connecticut home can get you busted under CS section 30-89a - Permitting a Minor to Illegally Possess Alcohol, a class A misdemeanor.
Section 53-21 makes it a felony for an adult to place a child in a situation where their health or morals are likely to be impaired.
These laws are often enforced. Connecticut parents were recently arrested for serving alcohol to minors at a house party where a 17-year-old was stabbed to death.
The allegations that Christopher Ambrose knowingly allowed underage drinking, sex, and drug use are more than serious. Mia Ambrose claims that her father supplies the alcohol and that girls as young as fourteen are having sex with men as old as twenty-three.
In Connecticut, consensual sexual intercourse over a 3-year age difference (where the minor is 13 to 15 years old) would subject the older party to a charge of Sexual Assault, 2nd Degree, in violation of C.G.S. § 53a-71(a)(1). A guilty verdict would result in conviction of a Class B felony sex offense, with a mandatory minimum of 9 months and maximum 20 years imprisonment.
Ambrose may have some concerted action liability if knew statutory rape was happening in his home. But the greatest risk is to Ambrose's band of 20-something statutory rapists, none of whom, to the reporter’s knowledge as of press time, have been questioned by Connecticut law enforcement to date.
How is Luthmann Involved with Ambrose?
Christopher Ambrose, a well-known sleazoid, seems to blame everyone but himself for his troubles, including journalist Frank Parlato. The Hollywood plagiarist unsuccessfully petitioned the Connecticut Family Court to put a gag order on Parlato.
Ambrose's latest tact in his assault on reporters who tell the truth is shameful. When you don't like their opinions, you don't disagree, request a retraction, or even sue for libel. If you're Christopher Ambrose, you call the cops and try to get them arrested.
On March 17, 2023, Luthmann wrote an article entitled Christopher Ambrose Fails at Everything But One Special Talent.
The article detailed, by citing numerous examples in court filings and other evidence, Ambrose's tendency towards trickery.
Luthmann argues Ambrose makes various claims and continues assorted actions in different aspects of his life that are all tied together by a common thread: duplicity. These include his role as a father, his controversial career as a Hollywood screenwriter, and his legal disputes, including his federal court lawsuit against Frank Parlato.
In his article, Luthmann suggests Ambrose's claims are questionable.
Ambrose didn't like Luthmann's reporting, commentary, or opinions. But unhappy as Ambrose was, Luthmann written statements and opinions are shielded by the First Amendment. The US Supreme Court was clear in the 1990 case of Milkovich v. Lorain Journal Co. A statement of opinion relating to which is not provably false will receive complete constitutional protection where a media defendant is involved.
How did Ambrose, a lawyer, respond to the published article? Did Ambrose alert Luthmann or the Frank Report with an email or letter to false or objectionable statements? Did he communicate with Luthmann, Parlato, or anyone else requesting a retraction? Not at all.

Ambrose called the Madison, Connecticut, Police Department claiming Luthmann's published opinions were "libel" and "harassing." He lodged an official complaint calling for the Madison police to investigate the reporter and his article.
Ambrose Tries To Get Luthmann Arrested For Practicing Investigative Journalism
Luthmann lives in Naples, Florida. In May, he was contacted by the Collier County Sheriff based on an "official complaint" against him in Connecticut.
The Madison police called the Florida authorities to chase down a reporter writing unflattering (but accurate) things about Ambrose.
The Collier County Sheriff's Office told Luthmann he was being investigated for libel under Florida law, a misdemeanor crime. Section 836.01 of the Florida Statutes says, "Any person convicted of the publication of a libel shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree."
Luthmann met with a deputy Collier County Sheriff.
"Her jaw literally dropped once I showed her what was going on," Luthmann said when called for comment. "Not only is this whole thing a waste of police time and resources, but it has a chilling effect on the press. I'm not even sure the Florida criminal libel statute would withstand First Amendment scrutiny with this Supreme Court," said Luthmann, a recovering attorney.
Luthmann filed his own criminal complaint against Ambrose.
Luthmann's complaint alleges, "CHRISTOPHER AMBROSE did violate F.S. § 837.05 by knowingly and maliciously making a false statement that was caused to be sent to Florida Law Enforcement."
Were Ambrose's Actions Motivated By Actual Malice?
Because Ambrose is a lawyer, Luthmann alleges he knew or should have known better than to create a "waste of scarce FLORIDA LAW ENFORCEMENT RESOURCES."
He says Ambrose's actions are a "strategic complaint against PUBLIC PARTICIPATION."
Luthmann made allegations of child endangerment and underage sex at Ambrose's Madison, Connecticut, home:
LUTHMANN believes AMBROSE has engaged in CHILD ENDANGERMENT in his home in Madison, CT, based upon the information available in the public record and other materials received from protected journalist sources.
LUTHMANN believes AMBROSE's complaint against him is little more than retribution and an "ALIBI" against the rampant underage drinking, drug use, and sex that occurs in AMBROSE's home on Horsepond Road in Madison, CT, on a regular basis.
LUTHMANN has seen evidence and spoken to witnesses that AMBROSE is aware that MEN as old as 23 years old are supplying drugs and alcohol to children as young as 14 and 15 and having sex with them.
"I want to see justice run its course. Child predators sicken me, and my opinion is that if it is proved that Christopher Ambrose is a pedophile after a speedy and fair trial, the justice system should put him down, hopefully permanently," Luthmann said.
Luthmann said Connecticut law enforcement already possesses the shocking evidence he has seen.
Luthmann's biggest concern wasn’t Ambrose's use of law enforcement to attack free speech and the press. It was Ambrose’s ability to manipulate the system and continue to abuse children.
“Maybe there’s something to this Hollywood Pedophile Ring. Maybe there is one in Connecticut too.”
Richard Luthmann is a writer, commentator, satirist, and investigative journalist with degrees from Columbia University and the University of Miami. Once a fixture in New York City and State politics, Luthmann is a recovering attorney who lives in Southwest Florida and a proud member of the National Writers Union.
“I am a journalist who writes about justice, the courts, government officials, prisons, and reform. You find some questionable players in all these places and often outright crooks. Exposing these bottom feeders from the outside is sometimes the only way to make them pay the price for their injustice and misdeeds.”
“I use satire and opinion to make my point. I have already been told to ‘stop writing about the Government’ by the U.S. Government, so I must be doing something right.”
“If you’re a victim of the system, maybe the press is the right forum for you. If you have experienced injustice and are tired of dropping tens of thousands of dollars without results, maybe it’s time to try the digital pen.”
Contact Richard Luthmann at 239-631-5957 or richard.luthmann@protonmail.com.
"Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.” (Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, more obscure than public opinion, and more deceptive than the whole political system.)
~ Marcus Tullius Cicero
The news media is a critical check on the powerful, serving as a watchdog to hold elected officials and other public figures accountable for their actions. The media was first called the fourth estate in 1821 by Edmund Burke, who wanted to point out the power of the press. The press plays a crucial role in providing citizens with access to information about what is happening in government and by shining a light on corruption, abuse of power, and other forms of wrongdoing.
Bailiff, whack his pee pee.
Get this freak away from children!!!