Appointment of Incompetent Special Staten Island District Attorney Eric Nelson in Richard Luthmann's Case Was DA Michael McMahon's Design?
PLUS: "Crooked" Ronald Castorina - "Pompous" Jerry Kassar - "Smiling Jack" McMahon Back-Channel Revealed
Renowned investigative journalist Frank Parlato from the Frank Report ( has begun sinking his teeth into the 2018 “Fake Facebook” prosecution of Richard Luthmann on Staten Island.
Parlato looks into “the corrupt nature of this false and possibly criminal conspiracy called the People of the State of New York v. Richard Luthmann.”
Here is his latest installment:
Appointment of Incompetent Special Prosecutor for Luthmann By Design
Frank Report is investigating the prosecution of Richard Luthmann in New York State in 2018 for criminal impersonation.
His crime, it appears, was that he took to Facebook and created pages in several politicians’ names, then lampooned them.
One of the targets of his lampooning was a candidate for District Attorney of Richmond County, Michael McMahon.
He happened to get elected, and his memory was good. Once he was elected, he wanted Luthmann, but could not go after the man who ridiculed him directly. He needed a special prosecutor.
Usually, when a special prosecutor is appointed, it is another DA, an elected prosecutor from a nearby county. But not in Luthmann’s case. They needed someone especially dumb, dumber than the dumbest DA.
The Special Prosecutor had to be a man completely without morals, a total sycophant, entirely without honor, willing to sell out anybody, or anything, including the US Constitution and its First Amendment, a man entirely on the teat of government.
Someone no one would elect to anything.
The man they chose was Eric Nelson, a family law and defense attorney who hung around the fringes. He is so obscure that you might hunt the internet for one photograph of this attorney who has practiced for years, and there is no photo of Eric Nelson.
If anyone has one, please send one. Thank you.
Eric Nelson has a three-page website. Well, actually, two pages. The home page is blank.
Although there is an obscure reference to Sarah + Mitch, whoever they are.
The website seems to have been designed when the internet was new. No photos. No quotes from satisfied clients. No cases he handled successfully and won.
The second page is a link to “The Firm.” No pictures. No bios listing experiences. No names even.
It does list all the types of legal work “The Firm” does, which consists solely of writing briefs for all kinds of “appeals.”
Our services consist of research, writing and formatting appellate briefs in all courts from administrative appellate bodies, appellate courts to the US Supreme Court.
At the bottom, it says how eager and needy the “Firm” is.
We want your business. For this reason, our fees are always negotiable to accommodate your personal budget.
I do not think I have ever seen an attorney advertise to clients upfront that they will take a discount on their fees.
The Firm’s value is whatever the budget of the client says it is.
He even wrote, “We utilize Lexis/Nexis and Westlaw as our research services. We are also a subscriber to Pacer.”
He has to tell prospective clients he has a Pacer account, which anyone in the world can have.
This guy, Nelson, needed work.
And DA McMahon needed a useful idiot.
And so this was the man appointed to prosecute Luthmann. The Special District Attorney for Richmond County.
[First, they tried a real attorney, Thomas Tormey, but he turned it down. There is a First Amendment.]
Then they went to the lowest level attorney they could find.
And they put him in charge of prosecuting a case that was just plain McMahon’s vendetta. Prosecuting a man for “bad speech,” but protected speech, but bad, bad-to-Mike McMahon-speech.
A crime in Richmond County.
They took a near-do-well hapless attorney who had to tell clients he had a subscription to Pacer and was for sale at any discount price, a man not known to have ever prosecuted anyone at any time, a man entirely unqualified and made him Special District Attorney for Richmond County,
But don’t worry, good people of Richmond, they gave him only one case – Luthmann.
It worked out well. Nelson indicted Luthmann, which we will get into later.
But here is the funny part. Nelson was able to bill taxpayers over $700,000, according to records obtained from the NYC Comptroller. From a guy always ready to negotiate his fees, he went to a guy willing to negotiate the truth. But his money troubles were over.
I submit that the selection of Eric Nelson as Special Prosecutor tells us as much about the corrupt nature of this false and possibly criminal conspiracy called the People of the State of New York versus Richard Luthmann as anything.
But Nelson is one of many actors whose conduct we will explore.
Stay tuned. We’ve only just begun.
Castorina - McMahon Back Channel Revealed: All Roads Lead Through Pompous Jerry Kassar
“Asshole” is a vulgar term to describe the anus, the posterior opening of the digestive tract. An asshole has a physiological purpose.
Pompous Jerry Kassar isn’t an asshole. The New York State Conservative Party Chairman has no real purpose in politics other than to run his patronage mill that is the C-Line. Pompous Jerry Kassar could be aptly described as a hemorrhoid - until now.
The puzzle pieces are starting to come together, showing how what Frank Parlato has opined may very well be, “the corrupt…false and possibly criminal conspiracy called the People of the State of New York v. Richard Luthmann.”
In the search for STUNTCOCK, Pompous Jerry Kassar has previously been queried as “STUNT IMPLANT.”
But like the anus, Pompous Jerry Kassar now may actually be of some use. And it appears his anus isn’t just passing wind anymore. Kassar appears to pass political messages between certain would-be co-conspirators: “Crooked” Judge Ronald Castorina and DA “Smiling Jack the Political Hack” Mike McMahon.
In the face of serious scrutiny from New York State Attorney General Letitia James and others, Kassar’s anus has been tapped. The Pompous One’s Petard is being used for “shuttle diplomacy,” to ensure Judge Ronald Castorina and DA “Smiling Jack the Political Hack” Mike McMahon can keep their stories straight. That’s one big shuttle. It’s a good thing Pompus Jerry Kassar doesn’t have a tail.
But don’t take Luthmann’s word for it. In the words of Warner Wolf, “Let’s go to the videotape.”
This picture was taken a few weeks ago, in early January 2023, when all of Staten Island’s C-Line political cronies were together in one room.

The word on the street is that the NY AG’s Public Integrity Bureau is already asking about the interactions between Castorina, Kassar, and McMahon. And for a good reason. Kassar has a history of being a “leaky seal,” knowing things he shouldn’t know, and bragging about these secrets to anyone who will listen.
For example, how did Kassar know a secret Federal Grand Jury was investigating Luthmann in 2017, months before it became public? Did Smiling Jack tell the Pompous One? As Staten Island District Attorney, Tax Hike Mike would have known all about the Luthmann Federal Grand Jury, mainly because he arranged the entire sham proceeding.
You won’t find that tweet on Pompous Jerry Kassar’s Twitter account. He was told to delete it because it is a loose thread that could unravel the “corrupt…false and possibly criminal conspiracy called the People of the State of New York v. Richard Luthmann.”
But fear not, now that Luthmann is a bona fide journalist and Twitter “Blue Check,” he called on Elon Musk to release Pompous Jerry Kassar’s tweets once the Hunter Biden Laptop and Big Tech dumps are complete.
There is one significant development to take away from all of this. Now that he is more than a hemorrhoid, and he’s put his anus to work for political purposes with his co-conspirators, Pompus Jerry Kassar shall also go by the new moniker BACKCHANNEL.
November is Coming. Who will survive? Probably not the Special Schmuck, unless he flips on Crooked Judge Ron and Smiling Jack.
Is there more? Of course, there is more.
Remember, Mr. Luthmann is now a LAW ABIDING CITIZEN. He is also a writer, commentator, satirist, investigative journalist, and a proud member of the National Writers Union.
There will be many more Enemies to receive their comeuppance. What new Enemies will show their faces and then be shown the Luthmann Inquisition followed by the legal and political Death Chamber? Which members of the Swamp should be worried? What other persons may become collateral damage in this story? And who exactly is on “THE LIST” Luthmann spent the past four years making?
Stay tuned—much more to come.
We welcome all comments.
Sunlight is the best disinfectant. We can shine a light on The Swamp and watch the cockroaches scurry in every direction. Also, drop me a line if you are a victim of The Swamp of corrupt politicians, lawyers, judges, or corrupt courts.
"Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.” ~ Marcus Tullius Cicero
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