
Is Lori Grossi hiding millions? Her husband accuses her of tax fraud in their Monmouth County NJ divorce.

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that picture is of the bump on her head. i took it. not of her cheek. there are so many other pictures of marks on my mom. this is so inappropriate to be posting and those behind this should be ashamed. I do not consent to being posted. I’m a 15 year old girl.

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I do not feel comfortable with a picture of my face and home posted on this please remove this article I am a minor.

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My mom is college educated not a housewife. He has been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder and my mom removed herself and her kids from an unsafe situation by divorcing him. He was always in charge of finances in there marriage.

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So no one has anything to worry about once the audit occurs.

Lori, you and your people have been contacted by the reporters. You know how to properly respond. Using your alienated children as shills smacks of abuse.

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This is Gianna and my family has not been contacted by anyone. Once again I am a minor and posting a picture of me without consent is illegal.

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Congratulations for being the only 15-year-old on Substack.

The reporters should probably publish the emails sent to Lori Grossi, Sensory Playground, and Attorney Steven Monaghan. The public deserves THE TRUTH!

#EndParentalAlienation #EndChildManipulation #EndChildAbuse

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Stop responding to my little cousin Richard she’s 15y old

Your shameful don’t have better things to do

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It's Lori behind a computer screen you moron. Do I have to draw you a picture of what child abuse looks like?

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For someone who went to jail before sure as a lot to say about a innocent women protecting her children 😑🤭

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Truth is truth. I know what Lori is going to have to do to survive on the inside. Maybe she should pay me as a prison consultant.

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You are honestly pathetic and have no clue what you caused between closed doors by posting these images online where everyone can see. This is extremely inappropriate and you should be ashamed that you even believe such nonsense. I have witness John put harm towards Lori and caused major impact on the kids so if I were you, I would take down this article because you look incredibly stupid and to where you got this information from is clearly the person that you should be writing a article about. John is not a safe person to be around and cant control his anger and then which he put on his wife and his children. You have no right to be posting lori children and having her kids see the made up allegations that their father has made up in his mind. Lori has always been such an amazing mother and would do anything for her children and would never put her children in a situation where it can become dangerous. John is an abuser and a manipulator and should be in jail for the consequences that he made.

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I'd love to hear all about it. I or another reporter will wrote about it. Are you willing to go on the record about your personal observations? I am willing to listen if you are willing to go on video/tape or sign a statement detailing: "I have witness John put harm towards Lori and caused major impact on the kids."

"You have no right to be posting lori children and having her kids see the made up allegations that their father has made up in his mind." - Actually, the First Amendment gives every right. This is a case in court. If something that was specifically said is untrue, point out what it is and provide evidence to back it up.

I am not the author of the story. And journalism only gets "taken down" in totalitarian countries.

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