Hi guys! I live here in the garden state. I am disabled. I am homeless and I can’t get housing due to hurricane Sandy and fema. I have been fighting the DCA, and I just took Warren county social services to court for my snap benefits and won. I called dhs civil rights yesterday. For housing. I made a complaint. I have been disabled from car accident for 13 years. I should be in some subsided housing. But because I opened my mouth at ft. Monmouth, fema, my property was seized by Menendez. 2013.

There should be fair housing for the disabled, but there is not. The ada states disabled should get first priority housing, but it a lottery, so the state doesn’t listen to the feds. And the funding for the congressmen, lobbyists and governor should be cut. I have so many recordings of state workers giving me info on nj.

Back to your discussion. It’s not right, as, we still have freedom of speech. Period. If she wanted to post it she can! This state is so corrupt. And listening to this really bakes my noodle. Over quotes? And the judge made the threat first? Really? These dems are scrambling. And this state is going down.

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You don’t know the story. You only see an extremely distorted view of what this is about. This woman is a monster and an abuse.

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I think the video of the cops gaslighting a little girl who says that her father choked her is all the evidence anyone needs to see.

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Clearly coached. The child has made statements to that effect and many others against Monica Lynn Ciardi. Do those statements not count? No, that short, very odd, video is not all the evidence that anyone needs to see. What happened before and after the video. Why be making this video with some random officer in the street instead of taking her to the station or calling the police to the hospital. Monica Lynn Ciardi has a very long history of making false reports against a large number of her prior lovers from her illicit affairs while married to both her husbands.

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Who’s coaching you?

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I replied.

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I don’t know Patrick. I live here, I deal with Morris county courts, Warren county courts. They are extremely crooked. Do you live in NJ? In 2015, I was living with an abusive man. He bought me a tazer gun, for safety. I was wrongfully “accused” by the Parsippany police department of tazing a person, when I tazed the wall. The abuser set me up to use it. Saying there were rabbit raccoons…but there was not. He recorded me. The Sergeant, looked at the video with the abuser. I was NOT allowed to see it. Why? I don’t know. I was taken to police station, 5 male police officers wanted to book me. I asked for a woman police officer, I was not going to talk to 5 corrupt male cops. She watched the video (I was not allowed), and I explained I was set up. They had no reason to keep me. The abuser and the cops made up a story. I had to hire a criminal lawyer to retrieve the video from abusers phone. It plainly showed I did not taze a person. The abuser did not show up in court 3x, the lawyer showed the judge and I the video, stating there was no intention on my part to harm anyone. It was expunged. So, this is a perfect case for the corruption in NJ. It sucks!

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You tazed a wall? Is a "rabbit racoon" a cross breed or something? You tazed a wall thinking it was some kind of rare cross breaded animal? You obviously have a mental disorder or drug problem.

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That doesn't stop the fact that illegal things happen like this daily in family courts. I spoke out and now they have charged my 13 yr old some with our due process and put him in a sexual detention center

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Sandy? 2011 Sandy? You are blaming some hurricane that affected all of us from 14 years ago for your problems?

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Our justice system has been compromised and weaponized at all levels. Those perpetrating these actions, judges, politicians, law enforcement need to be put in jail. Our rights to fair justice is key to America's future and will not be tolerated much longer.

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Stop eliminating safe parents for daring to speak up about abuse at the hands of their coparent.

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The most corrupt state run by the most corrupt judiciary personnel imaginable?

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Amicus Curiae Briefs

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33 years Not nearly enough time for this abuser.

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