Jan 24Liked by Richard Luthmann

Thank you for posting this story. We need to work together and allowing the dismissal of pure science or allow misinformation. If we allow this to happen, then all science has to be thrown out. Much like cancer treatment, it might work for the majority of the patients prescribed a particular type of treatment for their particular form of cancer. It does not mean that we throw out the diagnosis or it’s treatment because a small percentage did not respond well. It does not mean that because a small percentage could not be helped with this treatment, that we toss out the diagnosis or ban the treatment and remove it from the medical books.

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It concerns me that there is/could be incentivized funding for so many states that may incorporate “Kayden’s Law” from the VAWA as a critical issue. I have spoken to more women that tell me VAWA didn’t even help them. I have spoken to men that have been abused as well. If this bill is not going to acknowledge Parental Alienation as an EXTENSION of domestic violence and all men are abusers, then it definitely needs a revamp.

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