Thanks for writing this. I have been following Connecticut as a survivor of the family court and accused of parental alienation. Dragged through " reunification therapy" was ordered. I have watched Joan's videos on the internet. I have several questions. Although I can see some valid arguments. I would like to ask the following: If the courts are currupt ( which I agree in some cases) why would you want children to go to therapy with currupt court appointed therapist? On what basis do you believe 99 percent of domestic violence alligations are false? How many claims of parental alienation do you believe are false?Why do you believe 50/50 custody with abusive parents would be ok and better than sole custody? Do you realize that the effects you claim from parental alienation are the same as the effects of having an abusive parent? During a slam the gavel pod cast you stated that a man who shot his wife at the door during a custody exchange probably was an alienated the father. Why do you believe that? Why would you send an email to a mother who has not seen her children, stating that the inside investigator needed to hear from fathers? Why after Why are there no studies on false claims of parental alienation? You say that domestic violence funding is an insensitive for family court. Yet no one from equal and shared parenting will discuss the fatherhood initiative funding. Equal and shared parenting is affiliated with Uconn, correct? Uconn fatherhood initiative receives grants correct? Grant money is provided for self reported studies? Is your non profit organization receiving grant funding?
Correction reunification therapy wasn't ordered, but insisted on by the GaL. Uconn kids. " This is not a gender issue" 2024 studies. The influence of child on parents. A key finding of the study was the role Maternal affection plays with this dynamic. Fatherhood initiative coined the term maternal gatekeeper. Uconn fatherhood initiative has put out a lot of negative information about mothers. " Privilege white women". Thesis paper on school shootings targeting at single mother household. How much funding for studies attacking motherhood? Especially coming out of Uconn.
More questions in order to understand the use of parental alienation in family court. Upon reviewing information on the Internet as a concern citizen. Do you have a degree in government which would increase your knowledge of the welfare reform act? Would you be drawing attention to children school performance because it is used for encouragement of the fatherhood initiative. Grades and school behavior. Upon listing to a podcast from 2022 you state that one of your children were adopted 3 years after the father died? I'm inclined in the podcast you acknowledge the use of parental alienation used for elimination of predominately mothers from their children lives in promoting 50/50 agreement as the only way to fix family court. These are a proximity 20 percent of cases in family court. Couresive control laws and legislation to remove the use of parental alienaton defense when claims of abuse are made. Why wouldn't shared parenting advocate for evidency hearing to best service children's interest? The criminal justice reform is typed to the objective of the fatherhood initiative. It's alleged in the information that it would reduce crime. CT was caught underreporting violent crimes. The state of Connecticut was the first to enact fatherhood legislation. Currently claiming to be the leader in criminal justice reform. Have you investigated any of this information? How it's used to " alienate" prodonitly mothers from the lives of their children. For what appears to be the economic growth and development of Connecticut. The welfare reform act and fatherhood initiative promote self sufficiency. Most of these women were dependent on their spouses financially, just like you were. Do you see any correlation? Considering Equal and shared with is affiliated with Uconn. Uconn has the fatherhood initiative/ HHS funding? Grants to university targeted at demonstration of the initiative working for Connecticut as the initiator and leader?
Thank you for having a balanced article on this very important and complicated topic.
Thanks for writing this. I have been following Connecticut as a survivor of the family court and accused of parental alienation. Dragged through " reunification therapy" was ordered. I have watched Joan's videos on the internet. I have several questions. Although I can see some valid arguments. I would like to ask the following: If the courts are currupt ( which I agree in some cases) why would you want children to go to therapy with currupt court appointed therapist? On what basis do you believe 99 percent of domestic violence alligations are false? How many claims of parental alienation do you believe are false?Why do you believe 50/50 custody with abusive parents would be ok and better than sole custody? Do you realize that the effects you claim from parental alienation are the same as the effects of having an abusive parent? During a slam the gavel pod cast you stated that a man who shot his wife at the door during a custody exchange probably was an alienated the father. Why do you believe that? Why would you send an email to a mother who has not seen her children, stating that the inside investigator needed to hear from fathers? Why after Why are there no studies on false claims of parental alienation? You say that domestic violence funding is an insensitive for family court. Yet no one from equal and shared parenting will discuss the fatherhood initiative funding. Equal and shared parenting is affiliated with Uconn, correct? Uconn fatherhood initiative receives grants correct? Grant money is provided for self reported studies? Is your non profit organization receiving grant funding?
Correction reunification therapy wasn't ordered, but insisted on by the GaL. Uconn kids. " This is not a gender issue" 2024 studies. The influence of child on parents. A key finding of the study was the role Maternal affection plays with this dynamic. Fatherhood initiative coined the term maternal gatekeeper. Uconn fatherhood initiative has put out a lot of negative information about mothers. " Privilege white women". Thesis paper on school shootings targeting at single mother household. How much funding for studies attacking motherhood? Especially coming out of Uconn.
More questions in order to understand the use of parental alienation in family court. Upon reviewing information on the Internet as a concern citizen. Do you have a degree in government which would increase your knowledge of the welfare reform act? Would you be drawing attention to children school performance because it is used for encouragement of the fatherhood initiative. Grades and school behavior. Upon listing to a podcast from 2022 you state that one of your children were adopted 3 years after the father died? I'm inclined in the podcast you acknowledge the use of parental alienation used for elimination of predominately mothers from their children lives in promoting 50/50 agreement as the only way to fix family court. These are a proximity 20 percent of cases in family court. Couresive control laws and legislation to remove the use of parental alienaton defense when claims of abuse are made. Why wouldn't shared parenting advocate for evidency hearing to best service children's interest? The criminal justice reform is typed to the objective of the fatherhood initiative. It's alleged in the information that it would reduce crime. CT was caught underreporting violent crimes. The state of Connecticut was the first to enact fatherhood legislation. Currently claiming to be the leader in criminal justice reform. Have you investigated any of this information? How it's used to " alienate" prodonitly mothers from the lives of their children. For what appears to be the economic growth and development of Connecticut. The welfare reform act and fatherhood initiative promote self sufficiency. Most of these women were dependent on their spouses financially, just like you were. Do you see any correlation? Considering Equal and shared with is affiliated with Uconn. Uconn has the fatherhood initiative/ HHS funding? Grants to university targeted at demonstration of the initiative working for Connecticut as the initiator and leader?