Dirubba is a piece of garbage, i lived next door to them and saw him physically abuse his kids. The daughter had bruises when he dragged her down 22 stairs by the hair, when i confronted him he said kids need discipline.

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Did you physically witness this? If you did, where is your credibility when you claim you witness children being abused and you didn't report it to the authorities.

You can't legally swear to what didn't happen, eh?

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"Mike" you are a sad individual to even press the keys to make such a claim. You lived next door? When you confronted me? Mike Oxlong? another flying monkey on the case.

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Narcissistic abusers always use the court system to harm the other parent and their own children. Using their own children to further their agenda is common in custody evaluations and court hearings, especially when it comes to filing false contempt charges and false police reports. Narcissistic abusers love to harm their victims, including their own children. They don't follow court orders, they don't co-parent, they don't foster their own children's relationship with the other parent, and they use, abuse, and neglect their own children's mental, emotional, and psychological needs. It's easy to spot a narcissist abuser in court and outside of court, due to their own patterns of behaviors. Any parent that loves their children and wants the best life has to offer for their children, will co-parent despite a non ambical

divorce. These parents understand that their divorce isn't the children's fault and will co-parent to ensure the best life for the sake of their children.

Narcissistic abusers are more focused on retaliation and using the court system, and their own children to harm their victims.

This mother needs to be arrested and placed behind bars to protect these innocent children from continued child abuse, mental abuse, emotional abuse, and psychological abuse.

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Karo Michaelian

This is appalling behavior on part of the mother, judge, and opposing lawyer, but very typical of what happens in western family courts. If the father took the children across state lines, of course it would be considered kidnapping, and an Amber Alert would be issued. I believe that we are in this sad situation that harms children and good fathers (as well as good mothers) because gynocentric groups have lobbied the family courts and society at large, pushing the false narrative that fathers must be considered as a danger to their children (even without evidence), that mothers are protectors, and that parental alienation is a ploy used by abusive fathers. This is a false narrative because there are many studies showing that mothers do more harm to their children then do fathers, and that they also most often initiate domestic violence. Gynocentric groups treat women as if they were children, not really responsible for their actions. I believe that this is slowly destroying western society.

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I hope you plan on getting both sides of the story here?? Something a good reporter would've done before even publishing an article. There is a thing called defamation of character.

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Annamarie has never responded to any of my requests for comment. Neither has Marianne Charles. Should I consult a Magic 8-ball?

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I'm going to add to Sandra today, it's only a defamation of one's character, if proven to be a falsehood. I read much on Dr. DiRubba case, and I feel it is a real shame, the abusive (alleged) mother, Anna Maria is unfit in my opinion, and should not be allowed to continue to have primary sole custody or so it appears as to his children, just as much his as hers,and I wish he can sue her for all she has, in a court of law. I am not sure it is all DCF. Sound more like abusive mother, so i would sue her,and the caseworker involved.(if caseworker) lied, or knew the children were at risk, or lied, withheld etc. and either way ,hope he has a victory, through it all. Good dads fight this hard, within the law. Definitely.

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Judge ignoring so much, including parent alienation syndrome. Evil wife… sacrificing her children’s well being for selfish reasons.

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