Why should someone accept responsibility for the false abuse allegations? This is what puzzles me with this nonsense. Why don't the women accept responsibility for making false allegations?

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Maybe they should.

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I would answer the poll as ‘prioritizing safety,’ but that gets twisted. IE I was forced to leave my abuser, whom CPS then handed my babes to.

Everything we work to put in place can be twisted, so in my view transparency of it ALL is paramount. Although I don’t believe it’s the final answer/solution.

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In a termination letter to "Dr." Lee: from Yale your repeated violations of the APA's Goldwater Rule and your inappropriate transfer of the duty to warn from the treatment setting to national politics." She is a disgrace. She never even met Christopher Ambrose and made this diagnosis which is exactly the reason she was fired from Yale and why her so-called "testimony" was not allowed. The woman clearly has a mental problem of her own and should not be allowed to practice medicine.

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Do you know Chris? I think the public would love to see him do some media and tell his side of the story.

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But then you would accuse him of "DARVO". Right? Allow someone to make a false allegation and if they remain silent, they are guilty but if they deny it, they are employing DARVO. The facts are there is no evidence whatsoever of any abuse never mind the ridiculous child molesting - dog raping nonsense. One thing police and courts despise more than anything are child and animal abusers. But people who make false allegations should be held to the same standard and face the exact same punishment as their victims would have received.

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You're not wrong...except for Christopher Ambrose. He's an abuser.

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Any proof or evidence?

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Plenty. But don't ask me. PI Manuel Gomez calls him "The Leonardo da Vinci of Liars" for a reason. I've seen some of his court testimony next to documentary evidence that the testimony is false. That's perjury.

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Most people lie or get their facts wrong in court. Remember, it's not a lie if YOU believe it.

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No. Normal people do not want to further damage their children by going public. There is a good reason why family court proceedings are not made public usually.

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If only Christopher Ambrose were normal.

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Dr. Lee is another one this should be in jail. This is beyond defamation. This should be criminal.

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What ends up classifying one as defamation and one as truth, or legitimate abuse? I feel like this could go on ALL DAY.

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Is this termination letter public?

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""your repeated violations of the APA's Goldwater Rule and your inappropriate transfer of the duty to warn from the treatment setting to national politics."" It is in her complaint https://www.courthousenews.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/yale-dersh.pdf

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