Get rid of the bitch immediately

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I'm going to get him I remember those words from her mouth she really was so intent to go after trump to make it name for herself it's a shame that she has so much hate inside her and if she inflate the price of her properties and her net worth she should be punished everyone in police and that worth when it comes to their homes this is normal as long as nobody gets hurt. There is no reason to complain. Trump did not hurt anybody by pricing his apartments for more than their net worth if people were willing to pay the price for the apartments that is their business that's nobody else's business. She went after trump for something anyone can do I can say my house is a hundred dollars but if it's not and somebody wants it that is there business not mine they might feel that it's worth it in the long run you can price anything you have for more than it's worth if someone is willing to pay that good for them but she has been on his back for a long time even before he became president she had something against him so now her business in fraud or whatever money she's collected illegally and done favors for and protected predators, is a bitch. May God find in his heart because he's the only one who will forgive.her

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