Oct 6Liked by Richard Luthmann

Connecticut courts have a long and unfortunate history of violating fundamental rights.

The state and federal courts play a curious game of ping-pong where the state courts refuse to hear (or flagrantly ignore) issues of fundamental rights. Litigants are then forced to turn to the federal courts, who misuse and hide behind the (now all but dead) Rooker-Feldman and Younger Abstention doctrines to claim “lack of jurisdiction” over Constitutional issues. The federal court then throws litigants and their often irrefutable claims back to the state courts where they came from. With the expected results.

This is especially disturbing given that the number of claims being heard by the federal courts and SCOTUS that emanated from the state courts has dropped dramatically over the past decade and are all all-time lows. Leaving litigants with no legal forum in which to have their claims of denial of fundamental rights heard. This amounts to systemic and intentional violation of the First Amendment by our judicial systems.

It worth noting that about ten years ago, the CT Law Tribune started running a series of articles covering problems in Connecticut’s broken and corrupt “family” courts. This after over 70 parents, attorneys and mental health professionals testified about these problems at a public task force hearing looking in “family” court Guardian ad Litem corruption. Which at the time, was the longest public testimony hearing held at the Capitol, ever.

These articles abruptly stopped soon after Ms. Katz joined the CT Law Tribune’s mysterious “Editorial Board” and she started publishing a series of editorials and personal commentaries deflecting and attempting to fault parents and litigants for all of the problems in our state’s dysfunctional “family” courts.

The state should be sued to stop calling itself “The Constitution State”, because the Constitution simply does not apply or matter to our state courts or to our state. Not joking.

Peter Szymonik

Constitutional and Civil Rights Activist

Glastonbury, CT

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We'll see what Dooley does when she gets presented with a copy of the 4-19-2022 email ... or a petition from an out-of-state journalist attesting to the chilling effect of the prosecution and extradition of a family court critic.

It's going to get tough for Dooley, a Trump appointee. If she tries to prop up the CT establishment, she's at odds with Trump-Vance and anti-censorship. Katz invoked J6 as a reason to prosecute Boyne. It's only a matter of time before someone like MTG puts her on an impeachment list for disloyalty ... not to Trump, but to the Constitution.

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When people start speaking of “vast Jewish conspiracies” you know it’s gonna be wacky. I have no sympathy for psychopaths.

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Oct 6·edited Oct 6Author

Jurisprudentially, Katz can be accused of the same dishonesty. The Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire case is the equivalent she touts is a de facto sanction of state persecution of politicallly unfavorable groups. It is the Korematsu of First Amendment decisions. The bodies of Jehovah's Witnesses lied next to the bodies of Jews in mass graves in the camps.

The ignorant are ignorant. For those who should know better, it's unforgivable.

I hope to hell that this one isn't going the way it looks like it is.

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