Hanks in Hot Water: Scandals Threaten to Sink Staten Island Council Member
Allegations of corruption and thuggery put Kamillah Hanks’ re-election bid on thin ice.
NOTE: The following was first published on Newsbreak.
By Rick LaRivière

Kamillah Hanks, NYC Council Member for Staten Island’s North Shore, finds her re-election campaign mired in controversy. Allegations involving her husband, Kevin Barry Love, as a "thug enforcer" threaten to derail her bid to maintain political control.
As June's Democratic Primary nears, new claims of coercion, public corruption, and intimidation tactics have surfaced, adding to the litany of accusations against Hanks and Love.
Allegations of Intimidation and Threats

Chef Massimo Felici, owner of the now-shuttered Michelin-starred restaurant Vinium, has publicly cited rising crime as the primary reason for his establishment’s closure. The chef’s stance has reportedly placed him in the crosshairs of Hanks’ inner circle.
Multiple sources allege that Love and Hanks’ proxies pressured Felici to downplay the role crime played in his decision to close the restaurant. This narrative conflicts with Hanks’ political messaging.
In several recent interviews, Felici described the climate on Staten Island’s North Shore as untenable for businesses.
“It was a bloodbath,” he said. “We couldn’t sustain operations when customers didn’t feel safe. The crime in this area is out of control.”
Despite these statements, sources close to Felici allege he was threatened to remain silent about his reasons for closing and to halt his free cooking classes at the Gerard Carter Center—a facility named after the late NYPD Officer Gerard Carter, whose widow, Jozette Carter-Williams, is Hanks’ leading opponent in the upcoming election.

“Threatening a community-minded chef who’s giving back? That’s a new low,” said a local business owner who requested anonymity. “It’s a blatant abuse of power.”
The closure of Vinium has drawn significant attention, becoming emblematic of the North Shore’s broader struggles with crime and economic decline. News outlets, including La Voce di New York and NY1, have reported extensively on the challenges faced by local businesses.
Multiple sources allege that Love and Hanks’ proxies pressured Felici to downplay the role crime played in his decision to close the restaurant. This narrative conflicts with Hanks’ political messaging.
Felici’s op-ed in SILive described his decision as heart-wrenching but unavoidable in light of the district’s unsafe reputation.
“Customers didn’t feel safe,” Felici wrote. “When you’re running a restaurant, your reputation is everything. Crime erodes trust, and trust is the foundation of our business.”
Public Corruption Allegations
Beyond the allegations involving Felici, Hanks and Love face accusations of corruption related to their political operations. Richard Luthmann, a journalist and Hanks' former family and election lawyer, has filed a lawsuit against them. He accuses them of unpaid fees and unethical conduct and seeks hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Luthmann’s case, pending in Manhattan Supreme Court, raises questions about judicial interference. The case was recently and controversially reassigned from Justice Louis Nock to Justice Kathleen Waterman-Marshall.
For the better part of two years, Luthmann has covered family court matters, including cases in Justice Waterman-Marshall's matrimonial part. Many cases involved so-called "family court debtor's prison," charges that Justice Waterman-Marshall sends civil litigants to Riker's Island because they can't pay lawyer's bills.
Luthmann is not alone. Renowned investigative reporter Sarah Wallace of NBC4's I-Team confronted Justice Waterman-Marshall about the "debtor's prison" claims.
The embattled jurist reportedly faces dozens of ethical complaints with the New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct. Luthmann has also covered Robert Tembejian, the Commission's Administrator, calling him a "political hack" who "shields corrupt judges."

Luthmann says this case can't proceed before Justice Waterman-Marshall because the appearance of impropriety is too great.
He also believes the administrative transfer didn't happen by accident. Luthmann alleges Hanks, Love, and their co-conspirators corruptly orchestrated the case's move to Justice Waterman-Marshall's court.
“The fix is in,” Luthmann claimed. “Someone got paid off, and all signs point to Kevin Barry Love as the bag man, in my opinion. They know they are dead if they sit for depositions. They already admitted terrible things in filed court documents.”
Further fueling the controversy, Luthmann has submitted evidence to the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern and Eastern Districts of New York since Trump's Inauguration. The evidence reportedly implicates Hanks, Love, and other political figures, including Justice Ronald Castorina, Jr., and Special Staten Island District Attorney Eric Nelson, in public corruption schemes.

According to Luthmann, “This isn’t just a local issue. The allegations reach into the heart of New York’s corrupt judicial establishment. It's a rigged system and serious enough to demand federal attention from the Trump DOJ.”
He alleges that Love and others played a central role in orchestrating backroom deals, influencing judicial decisions, and leveraging political power for personal gain.

“The pattern of behavior is clear. When you combine intimidation, corruption, and judicial interference, you’ve got a recipe for systemic rot. This case can be the tip of the spear for Trump Justice,” he said.
Luthmann pointed to irregularities in the reassignment of his case.
“Justice Nock guaranteed a fair and impartial shake. The sudden transfer to Justice Waterman-Marshall, whose alleged corruption I have covered extensively, is no coincidence,” Luthmann stated.
Luthmann says he submitted damning evidence, and all signs point to the use of political offices for personal gain.
“No 'wheel' was at play with this administrative transfer order. I hope the newly revamped DOJ Public Corruption Units will ensure that New York State's judiciary is independent and free from undue influence by walking the offenders out in bracelets, Kevin Barry Love and Kamillah Hanks being chief among them.”
A Candidate Under Siege
Hanks has faced significant political fallout, losing key allies and committee assignments. NYC Council Speaker Adrienne Adams stripped her of her Public Safety Committee chairmanship, relegating her to less influential roles. Staten Island Democratic County Chair Laura Sword has distanced herself from Hanks, reportedly reconsidering her support as allegations continue to mount.
The stakes are exceptionally high as Hanks faces a well-organized challenger. Jozette Carter-Williams has emerged as a formidable opponent, running on a platform of integrity and public safety. Carter-Williams has secured endorsements from major law enforcement unions and community organizations, bolstering her campaign.
“The people of Staten Island deserve better,” Carter-Williams said at a recent rally. “It’s time for leadership that puts the community first, not personal gain.”
Before publication, we contacted Kevin Barry Love for his side of things. He did not respond as of press time. Here is what we asked:
From: Rick LaRivière <RickLaRiviere@proton.me>
Date: On Thursday, January 23rd, 2025 at 4:56 PM
Subject: Inquiry Regarding Allegations and Public Corruption Concerns
To: kevinblove@gmail.com <kevinblove@gmail.com>
CC: mthomasnast@protonmail.com <mthomasnast@protonmail.com>, frankiepressman@protonmail.com <frankiepressman@protonmail.com>, frankparlato@gmail.com <frankparlato@gmail.com>, mvolpe998@gmail.com <mvolpe998@gmail.com>Dear Mr. Love,
I hope this message finds you well. My name is Rick LaRivière, and I am an independent journalist. I have copied several of my colleagues in the press who also have interest in this story.
I am reaching out to you directly to provide an opportunity for clarity and response to several serious allegations and issues that have been raised concerning your activities, as well as those of Council Member Kamillah Hanks in preparation for an upcoming story.
In the interest of fairness and accuracy, I have outlined my questions below. Your response would be greatly appreciated and will be reflected in any reporting.
Threats Against Massimo Felici and Vinium Closure
Allegations of Threats: Did you or anyone acting on your behalf or Kamillah Hanks’ behalf threaten Massimo Felici, the owner of Vinium Restaurant, to suppress public statements about crime on Staten Island’s North Shore?
Contact and Communication: How many times have you contacted Mr. Felici, and through what means?
Gerard Carter Center: Is it true that Mr. Felici was pressured to halt free cooking classes at the Gerard Carter Center due to Jozette Carter-Williams’ candidacy against Kamillah Hanks?
Allegations of Acting as a "Thug Enforcer"
Role in Political Operations: Multiple sources allege you act as an enforcer for Kamillah Hanks’ political interests. Have you ever used intimidation tactics against businesses, city employees, or political opponents on her behalf?
Campaign Contributions: Have you solicited campaign contributions for Kamillah Hanks in exchange for promises of access or city resources?
Connection to Jimmy Grant: How do you respond to claims that you and Jimmy Grant have coordinated efforts to intimidate or threaten others for political gain?
Pending Case Involving Richard Luthmann
Threats Against Legal Counsel: It has been alleged that you threatened Richard Luthmann’s former attorneys in his pending civil case against you, Kamillah Hanks, and others. What is your response to these allegations?
Judicial Conspiracy Allegations: Are you aware of claims that you are conspiring with Justice Ronald Castorina, Robert Tembeckjian (Chairman of the NYS Commission on Judicial Ethics), and others to manipulate the outcome of Mr. Luthmann’s case?
Judicial Payments: Is there any truth to rumors that payments were made to "fix" the case in Manhattan Supreme Court? Were your current attorneys involved in any arrangements?
Public Corruption Allegations
Evidence Submitted to Federal Authorities: Are you aware of reports that substantial evidence regarding public corruption implicating yourself, Kamillah Hanks, Judge Castorina, Eric Nelson, and others has been submitted to the Trump Justice Department and newly appointed officials?
Criminal Associations: How do you address allegations of your connections to convicted individuals, including drug dealer Ettore Mazzei?
General Questions
Staten Island Crime and Quality of Life: As someone who lives and works on Staten Island’s North Shore, what is your view on the current state of public safety and quality of life?
Vision for the District: Do you believe your actions and those of Kamillah Hanks have positively contributed to the community?
Your responses to these questions will provide valuable insight into these pressing matters and help present a balanced view of the ongoing situation. Please let me know if you would like to provide a statement, schedule an interview, or address these points in writing.
Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.
Very truly yours,
Rick LaRivière
Independent Journalist
With the June Democratic Primary fast approaching, the controversies surrounding Kamillah Hanks and Kevin Barry Love show no signs of abating. Allegations of intimidation, corruption, and judicial tampering cast a long shadow over her re-election bid.
Meanwhile, Jozette Carter-Williams’ campaign gains momentum, promising a fresh start for Staten Island’s North Shore. As voters prepare to head to the polls, the question remains: will they choose to continue with Hanks’ embattled leadership or embrace Carter-Williams’ vision for accountability and progress?