My kids went through Linda Gottlieb's program and the lies she told were horrific. Many years later, my kids are advocating against Linda and programs like hers. She threatens not just the children but the safe parent in order to win in court. Do your homework on her and look at not just reviews, but her own past that she doesn't tell you. She is nothing more than a licensed clinical social worker who favors Richard Gardner's theory on parental alienation. There will be no "2 parents" in the kids' lives when she's through with you. In fact, my kids after surviving years of sequestration away from the safe parent, reunited with me and do NOT have a relationship with their other parent. In fact, they want nothing to do with that parent and the abuse that Linda causes your children is just like when they are abused by the real alienating parent.
I had to misfortune of dealing with Linda Gottlieb and her quack theories. We had a terrible Guardian Ad Litem in our case in New Mexico who somehow found Gottlieb in New York and convinced an even worse judge here to let her on the case since GAL's basically have a free hand in doing whatever they want.
Gottlieb lied on the stand, pretended like she couldn't hear my lawyer when being cross-examined, and both kids told people she asked them leading questions and demanded they answer ONLY how they were told to answer.
Gottlieb is a scam artist who closed down her company Turning Points for Families, and now operated under For Healthy Children.
The link to "professionals within the mental health community" purportedly supporting this quackery alienation/reunification scam is to a 2012 article written by Gottlieb herself. In 2024 there continues to be no credible science supporting this Kids-For-Cash systemic Family Court occurrence. Gottleib, et al are NOT trained or experienced in ANY therapy relating to children, families or any human. This crime needs to be exposed at the deepest roots it's taken and immediately stop before anymore children (and bonded parents) suffer irreparable harm.
"parental alienation" is what ever she and accusers want it to be. A cult mentality is being spread by these unregulated and uninvestigated group of experimental psychology practicers. It has been almost a year since you have published this article. Much of the so called alienation Industry experts have attacked the leading voices against it instead of defining it. Anyone with a dysfunctional relationship or estrangement is let into the warrior community. DV perpetrators male or female. There is no therapy going on for these people to address their behavior that has contributed to fractured relationships. A lot of triangulation occurs in these cases. Any who supports the theories are victims and anyone who speaks against it is a Narrssits, malicious alienator. Bad behavior is supported and excuses are made for the behavior of unhealthy parents. The Richard Gardner theresies became popular with the welfare reform act and responsible fatherhood. Many of the so called symptoms of alienation for children is related to the fatherhood initiative what is claimed for fatherless households. Many so called symptoms of alienation are the same of abuse and long term effects of living with these unhealthy parents. The AFCC and family court are running off healthy marriage and responsible fatherhood. For many years the alienation industry targeted women. In the initial phases estrangement and alienation claims were investigated. Today any fractured relationships is considered alienation. The alienation industry has created an image of the "only people" competent to be engaged in family court cases. Many of these theories are funded through experimental psychology departments of university. Self reported studies and research not in public view. The industry targeted women and continues. They have advertised and appealed to women in the last few years because of the press on the false claims sweeping the courts. Alot of this is political and attached to the government. The problem with 2 parent households. It's beyond time to shut Linda and the other cult leaders down. Much of the videos she and others are putting out teach people to go to court and claim alienation. Lots of effort from these industry cult leaders as been on attacking and not enough on the definition and ligitamcy of the work. Offering Cool aid to anyone who wants to drink it. A lot of the warriors are abusive people and encouraged. Teaching other abusive people to play the alienation game in the family court house. False alligations are rare but do happen. Abusers almost always claims innocent. Facts reality and cult mentality.
Parental Alienation is real. It's Coercive Control and Psychological Control.
My kids went through Linda Gottlieb's program and the lies she told were horrific. Many years later, my kids are advocating against Linda and programs like hers. She threatens not just the children but the safe parent in order to win in court. Do your homework on her and look at not just reviews, but her own past that she doesn't tell you. She is nothing more than a licensed clinical social worker who favors Richard Gardner's theory on parental alienation. There will be no "2 parents" in the kids' lives when she's through with you. In fact, my kids after surviving years of sequestration away from the safe parent, reunited with me and do NOT have a relationship with their other parent. In fact, they want nothing to do with that parent and the abuse that Linda causes your children is just like when they are abused by the real alienating parent.
Sounds the same as me.
I had to misfortune of dealing with Linda Gottlieb and her quack theories. We had a terrible Guardian Ad Litem in our case in New Mexico who somehow found Gottlieb in New York and convinced an even worse judge here to let her on the case since GAL's basically have a free hand in doing whatever they want.
Gottlieb lied on the stand, pretended like she couldn't hear my lawyer when being cross-examined, and both kids told people she asked them leading questions and demanded they answer ONLY how they were told to answer.
Gottlieb is a scam artist who closed down her company Turning Points for Families, and now operated under For Healthy Children.
The link to "professionals within the mental health community" purportedly supporting this quackery alienation/reunification scam is to a 2012 article written by Gottlieb herself. In 2024 there continues to be no credible science supporting this Kids-For-Cash systemic Family Court occurrence. Gottleib, et al are NOT trained or experienced in ANY therapy relating to children, families or any human. This crime needs to be exposed at the deepest roots it's taken and immediately stop before anymore children (and bonded parents) suffer irreparable harm.
"parental alienation" is what ever she and accusers want it to be. A cult mentality is being spread by these unregulated and uninvestigated group of experimental psychology practicers. It has been almost a year since you have published this article. Much of the so called alienation Industry experts have attacked the leading voices against it instead of defining it. Anyone with a dysfunctional relationship or estrangement is let into the warrior community. DV perpetrators male or female. There is no therapy going on for these people to address their behavior that has contributed to fractured relationships. A lot of triangulation occurs in these cases. Any who supports the theories are victims and anyone who speaks against it is a Narrssits, malicious alienator. Bad behavior is supported and excuses are made for the behavior of unhealthy parents. The Richard Gardner theresies became popular with the welfare reform act and responsible fatherhood. Many of the so called symptoms of alienation for children is related to the fatherhood initiative what is claimed for fatherless households. Many so called symptoms of alienation are the same of abuse and long term effects of living with these unhealthy parents. The AFCC and family court are running off healthy marriage and responsible fatherhood. For many years the alienation industry targeted women. In the initial phases estrangement and alienation claims were investigated. Today any fractured relationships is considered alienation. The alienation industry has created an image of the "only people" competent to be engaged in family court cases. Many of these theories are funded through experimental psychology departments of university. Self reported studies and research not in public view. The industry targeted women and continues. They have advertised and appealed to women in the last few years because of the press on the false claims sweeping the courts. Alot of this is political and attached to the government. The problem with 2 parent households. It's beyond time to shut Linda and the other cult leaders down. Much of the videos she and others are putting out teach people to go to court and claim alienation. Lots of effort from these industry cult leaders as been on attacking and not enough on the definition and ligitamcy of the work. Offering Cool aid to anyone who wants to drink it. A lot of the warriors are abusive people and encouraged. Teaching other abusive people to play the alienation game in the family court house. False alligations are rare but do happen. Abusers almost always claims innocent. Facts reality and cult mentality.