Dear Mr. Luthmann: Cheers mate. My dad flew combat missions in the Korean War, His three older brothers flew combat missions over Nazi Germany. They had a saying, which I heard often at family gatherings during my childhood: "When you get this much flak, you're over the target. Bombs away."

When you get threatened for just reporting the facts that are laying all over the ground (or in this case, in Mr. Engels' pleadings, which are a matter of public record), it's time to dig deeper and bring a big flashlight. Of course, direct sunlight would be the best disinfectant -- and it's lethal for bloodsucking vampires, like the Beermann law group.

Keep Digging -- Dewey, Cheatham and Howe, Attorneys at Law

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Hi there, just fyi SC’s state Supreme Court ruled it was a violation of illegal search and seizure to check pregnant moms for cocaine as part of “screening.”

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This is what’s happening in my case, drug testing results and proven false positives due to medication, false testimony given by “expert witness” and the contracted lab that was being used, until the day after my hearing, when all the sudden the contracted lab filed bankruptcy, for a second time getting busted for kickbacks and the division stating they “closed” because of this. I called the lab, they are open, broke but open lol.

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