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Luthmann: "They Lied to the Feds, Now It’s My Turn"

Richard Luthmann Seeks Discovery, Claims NYS Justice Castorina, NYC Council Member Hanks, and Husband Love Lied to Federal Agents About Harassment and Witness Intimidation

By Dick LaFontaine and Rick LaRivière with Richard Luthmann 

Richard Luthmann, the former lawyer turned whistleblower and investigative reporter, has not stopped rabblerousing. Now, he is taking New York Supreme Court Justice Ronald Castorina, City Council Member Kamillah Hanks, and her husband Kevin Barry Love to court in a lawsuit that could expose political corruption at the highest levels.

Richard Luthmann

The case, filed in Manhattan state Supreme Court, hinges on Luthmann’s claims that, in an attempt to avoid paying monies owed, the defendants falsely accused him of harassment and witness intimidation—serious accusations that Luthmann says are outright lies and amount to felony crimes.

Luthmann, a contributor to this outlet, was interviewed for this article.

“They lied to the feds, and that’s a felony,” Luthmann stated outside the courthouse, referencing 18 U.S.C. § 1001, which makes it a crime to knowingly provide false information to federal agents.

At a hearing on Thursday, Justice Louis L. Nock reserved decision on whether to allow Luthmann’s case to move forward, but legal experts believe the judge is leaning toward giving Luthmann the green light for discovery.

“When assessing a pre-answer motion to dismiss for failure to state a cause of action, the Court accepts the allegations in the complaint as true and accord the plaintiff every favorable inference,” stated a practicing New York lawyer who did not wish to be named. “Here, Luthmann submitted a veritable brick to the court - nearly 1,000 paragraphs and 400 pages. A cursory glance leads me to believe that he’ll get to discovery.”

If that happens, Luthmann can grill Castorina, Hanks, and Love under oath, asking them to account for their alleged falsehoods while proving his case.

“Once I get them in depositions, their careers are over,” Luthmann confidently said.

He contends that both Castorina and Love admitted to federal agents that they had accused him of witness intimidation, which Luthmann argues is impossible because neither Hanks nor Love was ever a witness in any state or federal prosecution involving him.

Lies to Federal Agents

New York State Supreme Court Justice Ronald Castorina, Jr.

At the core of Luthmann’s lawsuit are allegations that Castorina, Hanks, and Love engaged in a coordinated campaign to discredit him by lying to federal authorities. Luthmann claims that they falsely reported him to the FBI, the U.S. Probation Office, and other federal entities, accusing him of harassment and tampering with witnesses. According to Luthmann, these reports were fabricated and meant to violate his federal supervised release conditions.

As Luthmann explains, while he was serving out the terms of his supervised release from a previous conviction, any accusation of criminal activity—no matter how baseless—could have led to his re-incarceration.

Kamillah Hanks and Kevin Barry Love

“They tried to send me back to prison based on lies,” Luthmann said, describing the emotional and legal pressure he was under at the time.

He added that the defendants’ actions caused severe damage to his reputation and disrupted his legal affairs. Their false statements reportedly led to federal authorities scrutinizing his every move.

“They were trying to ruin me. They used their political connections to try and crush me,” Luthmann said. “They wanted my valid legal claims to go away by sending me away to prison with their lies.”

Discovery Could Be the Defendants’ Downfall

The upcoming legal battle may have far-reaching consequences for Castorina, Hanks, and Love. If Justice Nock allows Luthmann’s case to proceed, the discovery phase will likely include depositions, during which Luthmann can question each defendant under oath. This could expose more details about their alleged actions, putting their careers and reputations at significant risk.

Legal experts agree that discovery could be a turning point in the case. Luthmann plans to use the depositions to force the defendants to admit or deny, under penalty of perjury, that they lied to federal authorities. He believes that once the facts come to light, it will be clear that the defendants acted with malicious intent.

Luthmann is also pursuing tort claims, alleging that the defendants intentionally interfered with his legal representation by intimidating his former attorney into withdrawing from his case.


According to Luthmann and recorded tapes, Love made threatening phone calls to his attorney, pressuring him to drop Luthmann as a client. Love also admitted to calling the Feds on Luthmann and the lawyers.

“My attorney told me, ‘I don’t want them to do to me what they did to Trump’s lawyers,’” Luthmann said, referring to the intense political scrutiny surrounding lawyers representing high-profile or controversial clients.

Luthmann argues that this interference was part of a broader conspiracy to prevent him from collecting debts owed to him and to silence him through legal and political pressure. He points to several instances where the defendants allegedly sought to obstruct his legal efforts, including using their influence to discredit him with federal authorities.


Luthmann says Love’s “thug-like” tactics were “sloppy as sloppy can be.”

“Dopey Kevin called up like a telephone tough guy and then admitted to the lawyer that I had done the work. It’s almost as bad as the Judge Judy episode when the defendant lost the case in 26 seconds flat,” Luthmann said. “I can’t wait for the deposition with this guy. He’s sharp as a spoon.”

Allegations of Political Dirty Tricks

One of the most explosive allegations in Luthmann’s case involves the defendants’ supposed involvement in creating fake Facebook pages aimed at smearing political opponents. Luthmann claims that Castorina and Hanks were deeply involved in these efforts, even though their attorneys denied any participation in open court.

During Thursday’s hearing, the attorneys for Castorina and Hanks stated on the record that their clients did not create or administer the fake pages—a claim Luthmann insists is a blatant lie.

Hanks sent Luthmann a picture of her primary opponent, Debi Rose, over Facebook Messenger with the command “Cut it.”
Hanks sent Luthmann a picture of her primary opponent, Debi Rose, over Facebook Messenger with the command “Cut it.”

“These fake Facebook pages were designed to destroy people’s reputations, and they were part of political operations ordered and run by these defendants,” Luthmann said. “Kamillah Hanks and Ron Castorina aided in the targeted attacks against their political rivals. I know. I executed the plan on their behalf and at their direction.”

Ron Castorina supplied Richard Luthmann with a picture of election opponent Janine Materna and a picture of former Attorney General Eric Holder to use on a fake Facebook page. Castorina’s lawyers denied these activities on Thursday.

In his lawsuit, Luthmann accuses the defendants of orchestrating the continued smear campaign and attempting to cover up their actions by continued lies under oath. He believes the discovery process will unearth further evidence of their involvement in these political dirty tricks and the litany of lies in cover-up, which could severely damage their public standing.

Justice Nock Reserves Decision, Promises Due Process

Justice Nock’s decision to reserve judgment has only heightened anticipation around the case. During the Thursday hearing, Assistant Corporation Counsel Phyllis Callisto, representing the defendants, described Luthmann as a “fraudster,” citing his disbarment and criminal history.

Hanks and Love’s lawyer, Charles Capetanakis of Manhattan-based Davidoff Hutcher & Citron LLP, echoed the same sentiments.

“This is a frivolous lawsuit brought by a convicted felon who is a disbarred attorney. We refer you to our papers for a full recitation of the law and facts,” Attorney Capetanakis said.

However, Justice Nock allowed Luthmann to present his arguments and did not immediately dismiss the case, which many see as a signal that the judge is seriously considering Luthmann’s claims.

N.Y.S. Supreme Court Justice Louis L. Nock

“I am going to tell you, in no equivocal terms, you most certainly will receive every fair consideration, every impartial consideration, every consideration that upholds the principles of American due process. I promise that now, and I promise it always,” Justice Nock stated from the bench.

Luthmann’s legal strategy relies heavily on compelling the defendants to sit for depositions, where he believes they will either have to admit their falsehoods or risk committing perjury.

“Once they’re under oath, it’s over for them,” Luthmann said. “I’m pretty confident that the truth will come out through the legal process this time, unlike when Castorina was previously under oath. And I believe the cover-up of the past malfeasance is a huge motivator here.”

Luthmann also says Hanks’ disdain for “certain” convicted felons is troubling.

“If I choose to move back to New York, I immediately qualify for relief from civil disability and restoration of voting rights. The fact that Hanks’ lawyers insinuate that I can’t use the courts or participate using my civil rights is telling about how she feels about the struggles of the formerly incarcerated and their families.” Luthmann said.

“She’s represented by a top Manhattan law firm and married to a ‘former Republican’ millionaire real estate developer. I don’t know where she comes from, and I don’t think she does either,” Luthmann said.

Kevin Barry Love and Kamillah Hanks

Luthmann said that Hanks is in the middle of a scandal because she supports second chances for cop killers and gang-bangers but no one else.

Through her NYC Council Office, Hanks supports and funds the True2Life Organization, led by Malcolm Penn and Mike Perry. The group publicly supported the parole of cop-killer Shatiek Johnson, who murdered NYPD Officer Gerard Carter in 1998 on Staten Island.

True2Life Organization principal Mike Perry [L] and alleged Bloods street gang murderer John Pena [R].

True2Life Organization also supported a second chance for Bloods street gang leader John Pena. Released from prison after 15 years, Pena was soon after arrested by the Federal authorities for his involvement in three gang-related murders. He remains in federal custody at the Brooklyn Metropolitan Detention Center awaiting trial.

“The defendant [Pena], a leader of a violent street gang, unleashed a barrage of gunfire on a public street, killing the victim and placing our community in grave danger,” Breon Peace, the United States Attorney for the Eastern District of New York, said, emphasizing the gravity of the charges.

Felony Charges on the Table?

If Luthmann’s allegations hold up, the defendants could face more than just political fallout. Filing false reports to federal agents is a serious offense under U.S. law, and if proven, Castorina, Hanks, and Love could potentially face felony charges. Luthmann is betting that the discovery phase will reveal that their accusations were not just false but made with malicious intent.

“They knew what they were doing. They lied to federal agents, and that’s a crime,” Luthmann said.

Luthmann also highlighted the serious legal risks of accusing someone of witness tampering, particularly when the lie is not complex to discover by law enforcement. He points out that neither Hanks nor Love ever testified against him in any legal proceeding, which makes their allegations of witness intimidation even more concerning.

“This is an open-and-shut, easily provable case of lying to a federal agent,” Luthmann said.

Potential Fallout for Castorina and Hanks

The lawsuit represents a significant threat to Castorina and Hanks's political careers. Both are prominent figures in Staten Island’s political scene, and an adverse ruling or damaging revelations from the discovery process could spell disaster for their future prospects.

Luthmann believes that the case is more than just a personal vendetta. He portrays it as part of a broader fight against political corruption in New York, where powerful figures like Castorina and Hanks use their influence to avoid accountability.

“This is about exposing corruption at the highest levels. They think they can get away with anything because of their positions, but I won’t let that happen,” Luthmann said.

This outlet contacted Attorney Robert Brown, Castorina’s representative, for detailed comment. As of press time, we have not received a response. The request is below.

From: Rick LaRivière <>
Date: On Friday, September 6th, 2024 at 2:53 PM
Subject: Request for Comment: Luthmann v. Hanks et al.
To: <>

Good Afternoon,

We request comment on the Luthmann v. Hanks et al. matter. You represent Ronald Castorina, Jr., a sitting New York State Supreme Court Justice. We spoke with Mr. Luthmann and have reviewed the papers. We have these questions:

  • Luthmann claims that Justice Ronald Castorina falsely told federal authorities that Luthmann was involved in harassment and witness intimidation. How do you respond to these allegations?

  • Luthmann asserts that Justice Castorina’s accusations to federal agents were part of a coordinated effort to have him re-incarcerated. What is your client’s position on these claims?

  • In court, Luthmann accused Justice Castorina of lying under oath about his involvement in the creation of fake Facebook pages targeting political opponents. Can you comment on these accusations?

  • Luthmann has argued that your client’s actions violated 18 U.S.C. § 1001, which prohibits making false statements to federal authorities. How do you defend against this charge?

  • What do you think of Luthmann’s assertion that if this case proceeds to discovery, it could severely impact your client’s career?

  • Justice Castorina is a sitting Supreme Court Justice. How does this case affect his standing on the bench, and do you believe the case has the potential to harm his judicial career?

  • Luthmann claims this lawsuit is about exposing political corruption. How would you characterize his motivations in pursuing legal action against your client?

  • Do you believe Justice Nock will allow the case to proceed to discovery? How do you think that will shape the defense strategy moving forward?

  • Luthmann’s lawsuit has been framed as a fight for accountability against powerful figures. How do you respond to the notion that your client used his influence as a Supreme Court Justice to harm Luthmann?

  • If the case proceeds to depositions, what evidence will your client present to refute the claims made by Richard Luthmann?

We intend to go to press shortly. Please contact with any response soonest.


Rick LaRivière

Looking Ahead

Justice Nock’s ruling on whether to allow discovery will be a crucial turning point in the case. If the judge rules in favor of Luthmann, the discovery phase could lead to revelations that destroy the defendants’ careers and expose more profound layers of political wrongdoing. For now, Luthmann is preparing for what he believes will be his moment of vindication.

“They’ve lied, they’ve conspired, and they’re deadbeats. Now, they’ll have to face the consequences,” Luthmann said.



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