This is beyond horrific! I see this everyday where the child is not protected from child sexual abuse and handed over to the father the alleged abuser! Outrage that this goes on in every court in our nation! Sexual abuse of a child is REAL…. For the family court and all the evidence ignored is more child abuse for this child! A lifetime of no repairing this damage. Why are our court systems failing these children? Where is their safety and protection? Why is a beautiful loving mom being punished because of evidence and believing her Child? Far too many children not Protected! I personally have been fighting this crime for 35 years and have dealt with thousands of these cases.. My book tells the story “PROSECUTED BUT NOT SILENCED” (Courtroom Reform For Sexually Abused Children) A must read for for all professionals involved including judges, lawyers, therapist, social workers, medical professionals and the general public! Https;//www.amazon.com/dp/1683507800 by Maralee Mclean

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This is another disturbing case where there is a trend of mothers coaching children to make false sexual allegations against fathers to gain custody of their children. This is very clear in that this 4-year-old child repeated verbatim the same story over and over again against a man who has never been accused of anything before. We saw this in the cases of Catherine Kassenoff and Elizabeth Harding Weinstein, two severely mentally ill women who destroyed not only their former spouses but also their children. The "evidence" is always the mother's word. The media is complicit in repeating these stories and never even talking to the fathers in these situations so all we hear is one side. The judges hear both sides and that is why we are "surprised".

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I know new York state has the most secretive court because all family law cases are totally sealed, and if a residential half brother oor sister in another state has a case proceeding they won't even release it.... they only release to those directly involved in NY cases or to law enforcement in other states.

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Oct 18
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This is criminal impersonation, I believe by BEERMANN LLP and others:


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