Footnote one. [1] BLM ANTIFA tend to riot, loot, arson, and burn down towns across America, although mostly peacefully according to MSM mainstream media

Will they riot January 20 2025?

seriously doubt they’ll have that much patience how many excuses have they used so far to destroy American cities?

George Floyd Minneapolis, Minnesota, 2020

3X fatal limit of fentanyl in blood

Store clerk simply asked George Floyd to take back his wet ink, freshly printed counterfeit $20 bill that was all. George Floyd could’ve walked away.

Saint Micheal Brown of Ferguson 2014

female witnesses broke the case when they admitted even though his hands were up, he was charging the cop after he reached into the cop car to pull the guns from the cop

Trayvon Martin 2012 Florida

fatally shot in Sanford, Florida, by George Zimmerman, a 28-year-old Hispanic American

Unlimited nigga was his own chosen screen name full of guns and cash loot photos.

Eric Garner I can’t breathe. NYC 2014 cigarettes

Eric Long rap sheet ofQ selling contraband cigarettes in front of store

I can’t breathe New York black man

and other role models of Saint Michael of Ferguson do we need for things to just kick off in little inferno throughout the country 2016 and 2020 proved that BLM burn loot murder mobs are only too happy to burn down cities across the US if a black man George Floyd dies of self induced asphyxiation by being on many times that fatal dose of fentanyl while also on alcohol pot and a laundry list of other uppers after the Indian store clerk told him to take his wet counterfeit $20 bill back and just leave the store simply but no that wasn’t good enough for George Floyd he was too high on Fentanyl and remember this is a man who punched his pregnant girlfriend in her womb, causing miscarriage

Or was or was that Saint Michael of Ferguson

a delightful character was George Floyd but oh I wonder off topic BLM may just burn down this country every month of every summer in the future after the first Tuesday of November

wash rinse repeat

Worse yet FB will not allow you to prefer to GeorgeSoros Who funds BLM antifa

Are you not preparing for riots, Jan 6 20 six and 20? J6 J20

Democrats Left likes to RIOT. It’s what they do.

ANTIFA = ANTI First Amendment


Biden Loves Minors Buy Large Mansions

BLM Burn Loot Murder Be Legit Mugged

BAAL Lucifer Moloch #BLM Bread Lines Matter

Black Males 6%US Population commit 60% of murders violent crimes

Excluding 1-15 & 49 yrs old up 3% do 65% ✊🏾

Vast majority of mass shooters 95%-98% black youth

BLM RIOTS Union Square Maiden Lane SF CA USA

150K views · Streamed 4 years ago WESTFIELD SAN FRANCISCO CENTRE

San Francisco at night it’s going down


20 shops loot riot mob 2020 May 30

“Niggas Shoppin” YT Jermaine Ellis (901cali)

“ “ are his words not mine. Videographer said “ “

Jessie Smollet rehearsal staged racist attack

ACTION! More white racist! hillbilly! KKK Empire show movie? Yeah! Got a problem? GAY TUPAC

Comical behind the scenes look at funny fraud

Typical Left wing gaslighting projection fakery

Deceit underhanded ploys fave woke tool BLM


Election over? Ha ha ha lol now that you have free time ha ha ha lol OMG WTF

Are your hands not blistered from shoveling your bug out shelter, underground?



Burn Loot Murder

Are we allowed to ask why 90% of stores in SF are vacant? See

YouTube MetalLeo zombie vacant SF fisherman‘s wharf, Market mission Valencia Oakland Hollywood ghost town closed up shop serramonte gone 

Arrest Newsom Biden Kamala Obama Soros WEF WHO gates Fauci


BLM kills cops every day. cops have guns holstered, because BLM burns down cities otherwise.

cops before BLM would have their guns drawn on PERP

cops after BLM have to play nice talk it out buy perp ice cream

Cops dying now every day they have to be gentle w violent black thugs 

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Oathkeepers.org Stewart Rhodes is a fine upstanding gentleman of a veteran who organize veterans and law-enforcement officers past and present To assist all Americans in times of crisis, whether grid down, earthquake hurricane flood, disaster, or other to protect our neighborhoods as law enforcement officers would do after any situation

Please do not slander me, libel, or vilify Stewart Rhodes, or any of the oath keepers, who are fine upstanding gentleman seeking peace through de-escalation and resolution

To this date, I have only heard Stewart Rhodes and Oathkeepers, maligned libeled and slandered by questionable people who accuse J6 ers as insurrectionists.

If you are such, please tell me now, so I can unsubscribe from your Substack.

Otherwise, please have a second look at oath, keepers, and understand they were, in fact, holding the peace during not only Katrina New Orleans, and such hurricane and disaster events, but also in Ferguson, Missouri, St. Louis riots and other such disaster events, simply by holding space to deter shoplifters and raiding looters from entering stores to LOOT.

In my opinion, this is a very GOOD activist activity for law-enforcement officers and veterans as their peaceful armed presence

deescalates violence in a time of the potential powder keg for crisis

For the hearing impaired, or anyone who was not breathing or alive last decade, a simple reminder

BLM and antifa were looting rioting arsenic burning down cities across the USA in the years of 2015 2016 and 2020 plus other years in between each time the liberal leftist woke MSM mainstream media decided to pretend that some black thug with a rap sheet longer than their forearm was innocent after he pummeled raped beat shot killed, stabbed or shoplifted at a store and was subsequently on a live by an officer do either to this is another conversation. I’ll add that next. See Footnote one.

Stewart Rhodes OathKeepers

, also attended and coordinated peaceful actions to protect the Bundy ranch in Nevada when the federal authorities of corruption were attacking that land, because the corrupt and criminal senator Harry Reid, wanted to get the good American cattle off the land so that he could lease this land to China for fracking and oil exploration $ profits graft and greed in 2014

Https://archive.org to view OathKeepers.org

Deplatformed by hateful leftists opposed to the first American amendment of free speech

Deplatformed by hateful leftists opposed to the 2nd American amendment of right to bear arms

Leftists used to care about fourth and fifth amendments also but sacrifice those in a blink to persecute people not on the left.

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I first learned from Elon through a TV show, "The Big Bang Theory." Considering that I don't drive cars anymore, living in Manhattan, there's no need for it, and my business outside New York is no longer on. So, Tesla, for me, was the name of Nicola, the scientist. Rapidly, my interest in learning more about him grew exponentially. Then I learned of Pay Pal, which I normally used, and Space X. But when Mr. Musk wanted to buy Tweeter, which had suspended me forever, I dag into his whereabouts and began loving his brain and soul. However, my question was, why didn't he support Donald Trump politically?

Being a scholar of Vedic Literature, Science, and Philosophy for decades as a Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada's disciple, I immediately saw the enormous coincidences, maybe not on the religious side, but on everything else, and maybe he never read a page of the Vedas. However, my thought about life given by our Lord Krishna, or whatever name the reader likes to name him/her, since our creator answers to any names we can call him/her, I have the firm belief that our DNA carries absolutely all the information we need to develop ourselves, with the premise that every individual can dig into their DNA, find what it's interested for him/her, and develop, and produce it to their advantage, which in the case of Elon Musk, he shows us he's a Master. His success, as our dear Donald says, is a success, which is the best feature we know of him. I thank this exceptional individual, Lord Krishna, who sent us to counterbalance our lives and the evil around us! We must not forget this is a material world.

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