Reader comment from Mark Roseman, PhD, CFLE:

"Hello, the issues of parental alienation that are represented by Mr. Volpe and so many others over the years have actually been focused on the semantic question of parental alienation syndrome. Though the American Psychiatric Association has issued its perspective of a syndrome being absent, it has agreed numerous times that parental alienation is a form of child abuse. As such, it is abhorrent and should be mitigated upon initial identification of such behaviors by a therapist trained in dealing with alienation. That there is strong antipathy by many particularly women who sincerely believe that PA is the male gender's proxy for misogyny in custody cases, there is insignificant proof that it is so. I have found such belief a strong reaction to a father's accusation of the presence of PA when they have been targeted by the mother's use of brainwashing a child against them. As program director of a child reunification agency, i have found our statistics to mirror those nationally. That there is, today, an equal number of women as there are men who suffer as targeted victims to their child's brainwashing, in most cases, not due to domestic violence allegations. Rather, the brainwashing reflects the anger, if not, indeed the hatred towards the former partner. Therapeutic findings have shown that those inflicting such brainwashing do so with intent, or with no awareness, and that it is a result of their own childhood traumas that have remain untreated, or again, triggered by their more recent adult experiences."

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The APA has said no such thing. It's not semantics to say that PA is broad and nebulous, and that it means whatever each person wants it to mean. That's not a psychological term. As such, no one can be diagnosed with it.

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This is nothing more than propaganda from Mark Rosman to promote services. He's never reviewed any cases. Making general statements to disclaim ligitmate complaints

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It would actually be helpful if complaints were reviewed before a generic statement of discrediting people. There is absolutely no one doing studies on false claims of parental alienation. Why is that?

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Ever since Ned Lamont has come into office, he has ignored all attempts to continue the previous governors numerous years of supporting this proclamation. Enough is enough!! Parental alienation has passed the Daubert and Porter tests in CT as valid empirically scientific. To deny the scientific evidences, 35 years of research and study on this horrific form of psychological abuse that is a felony under Custodial Interference laws is a travesty. National PA Day has for proclaimed as such in 2007. How is it that then, that it is no longer viable as a valid proclamation? Children and their parents are being tortured and abused by this felonious act of custodial interference that uses false allegtations of abuse. Enough!! While the rest of the world recognizes that Parental Alienation is real, CT falls way behind in denying this proclamation. A proclamation that should not need to be renewed every year but be listed as a annual event.

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Is Connecticut beyond hope?

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The Transformation of Family Court: Addressing Parental Alienation and System Reform and hope.

Recent developments in understanding Parental Alienation (PA) offer hope for positive change. An increasing number of judges and professionals are receiving specialized training to recognize the behavioral patterns associated with this form of psychological abuse, particularly when it involves false allegations as a means of custodial interference.

While legitimate abuse cases certainly exist and must be taken seriously, there's growing concern about the role of certain legal professionals who may exploit family court proceedings for financial gain. Some troubling practices have emerged, including:

The deliberate targeting of parents through aggressive litigation tactics designed to damage their employment, businesses, assets, and reputations. In some jurisdictions, there have been documented cases of "price fixing," where professionals allegedly coordinate to extend cases until reaching predetermined profit targets. When confronted with such misconduct, some attorneys have chosen early retirement rather than face formal investigations.

More concerning are instances where attorneys have been accused of orchestrating false abuse allegations or facilitating international parental kidnapping. While these professionals may leave practice when faced with serious allegations, some continue to retaliate against parents and experts who raised concerns about their conduct.

To address these systemic issues, several reforms merit consideration:

1) Restructuring the family court system by separating financial matters into civil court while keeping family relations issues with specialized family services departments.

2) Establishing dedicated teams within Family Relations to provide oversight and ensure proper case evaluation.

3) Moving abuse and neglect allegations to criminal courts, with mandatory 30-day resolution timelines to protect parent-child relationships.

4) Adopting an "intact family" model that emphasizes therapeutic intervention over adversarial proceedings. This approach would focus on:

a) Family therapy for relationship issues

b)Specialized programs for parents needing behavioral modification

c)Therapeutic supervised visitation when necessary

d) Teaching children resilience and boundary-setting skills

Perhaps most crucial is addressing the issue of false allegations. While genuine abuse cases require thorough investigation and intervention, the pattern of repeated unsubstantiated allegations often signals an attempt to maintain control through system manipulation. Enhanced domestic violence training for professionals could help distinguish between legitimate and false claims more effectively.

This reformed approach would prioritize family healing over prolonged litigation, ensuring better outcomes for children while maintaining appropriate safeguards against actual abuse.

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Does Connecticut presently need Legislative Action so that Parental Alienation is recognized under the law?

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The Implementation of PA-Related Legislation: A Balanced Approach

Legislative action addressing Parental Alienation requires careful implementation, much like other complex legal defenses such as temporary insanity in criminal cases. The key lies in comprehensive training and education to prevent misuse of these protections.

This understanding must be grounded in scientific research conducted by qualified professionals with extensive experience in the field. Drawing from my four decades of work with families since 1984, I've observed the nuanced nature of alienation cases. Some parents who believe they are victims of alienation may, upon closer examination, discover they are inadvertently engaging in alienating behaviors themselves. Others are genuinely experiencing targeted alienation campaigns.

Importantly, Parental Alienation knows no demographic boundaries - it affects parents regardless of gender or racial background. This equal-opportunity form of psychological abuse requires an equally balanced approach in both recognition and treatment, supported by evidence-based protocols and professional expertise.

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This implemented would guarantee even more child abusers get custody in CT. Joan, why do so many children abusers scream PA if it's totally real? Why s it most popular among child abusers,

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You are a fool. That is not even close to what I said. But as typical with you Mr. Volpe, it is not about the truth but the sensationalism you can create for yourself. An intelligent conversation that you turn into your mud slinging bath. Typical of abusers like yourself.

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Parental alienation has been used as a weapon in the state of Connecticut. The entire industry is unregulated practice. I've watched the AFCC conference and the so called " professionals" stating protecting children which they call alienation is worse than sexual abuse accuring. The AFCC doesn't differentiate between estrangement and alienation. It's a bundle package. There is no crisis of fatherhood and women making false claims to keep children away. According to the us census bureau 24 percent of fathers abandon their children. Several absent fathers are incarcerated. There are widows and widowers. Your not a fool Michael Volpe. Misinformation and unregulated practice have been running our court system.

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The state of Connecticut has started to recognize that " parental alienation" is being abused in the family court system. It should be banned from the court system. Evidencirary hearings should be held. Domestic violence has been addressed. The state of Connecticut system has been a mess for the last 10 years. They are starting to figure it out.

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According to public information only 4 percent of cases go to trial over custody. 23 percent are domestic violence cases. 40 percent go to trial overall. Mostly assets. The whole alienation industry has created a giant mess and has lead to a drastic increase in single father households. People are being kept unjustly away from their children. In many cases it's false alligations of parental alienation. Yet the alienation industry doesn't want to talk about or address any of it.

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Peter i sent you the information. If you choose not to believe or read it that is on you

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What "public information" Heidi? As noted, there are no scientific or peer reviewed metrics out there of any kind. Because the Divorce Industry doesn't want us to have them. So they can control the dialogue and message as they laugh at us. A trap too many are falling into.

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I for one will be requesting the governor doesn't dedicate a day to unrecognized hypocritical theories that are not regulated. That's harmed so many people

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Parental Alienation was specifically excluded by the CT Legislature and “Coercive Control” was legally recognized. The impetus was Jennifer's Law.

Lamont could grant the proclamation, as it's largely ceremonial. But it would be controversial because it's technically contrary to the laws of the state.

Other states recognize PA as part of the law. If it were me, I would ask Ron DeSantis to recognize it in Florida and Byron Donalds to recognize it in Congress. It's part of Florida law.

Hell, they have a better shot at getting Trump to sign a presidential proclamation than Lamont to give one out of the Nutmeg State.

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"Jennifer's Law" is perhaps the worst piece of knee-jerk legislation ever passed in the poorly named "Constitution State."

"Coercive control" is just the latest Divorce Industry and DV buzzword designed to extend the definition of DV to places it does not belong. Follow the federal dollars.

These have created exactly what we warned everyone would happen if they were passed, and even more ammunition to criminalize parenting was handed to divorce attorneys, and even more discretion was handed to "family" court judges to invade people's lives.

Correspondingly, anyone who doesn't believe parents manipulate children to turn them against the other parent and their families and doesn't believe that false claims of abuse are the norm, rampant, rewarded by sociopathic judges instead of being responded to as fraud and perjury, is simply deaf, dumb and blind.

Or has simply never been inside a "family" courthouse for any length of time.

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We are waiting for Trump to get in. There is a lot of information to be given to the DOJ. Florida like CT recognized parental alienation for fatherhood funding.

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We can save everyone a lot of time.

Here is the actual figure representing how money the fatherhood initiative received in Connecticut: $0.

How do I know this? Because I and others researched this 15 YEARS ago.

And if it did get funded, what exactly is wrong with promoting fatherhood again? When you're the one claiming "24% of fathers abandon their children." Wouldn't you want to make that figure lower?

I remind you again that I joined several women in a federal lawsuit to stop gender based federal funding. Which would include DV funding, 99% of which is spent on women.

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That's nit accurate. The guy who killed tge Petit family got fatherhood funding prior to that while incarcerated for another crime. Fatherhood funding is used in CT and in other states. Your statement is not accurate

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I think Peter has to come on The Unknown Podcast.

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I agree.

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With all due respect, Peter has had all the say for years. Many have been silenced and voices overshadowed. The majority of his platform focuses on father's rights. Leaving now space in family court system for the courts to address substance abuse, family violence in numerous forms. Using parental alienation as the basis for the family court battle. In a utube video shared he blames the court system for the Ambrose Riordan matter. Thinks the children should be spending 50/50 time. Either he doesn't believe Karen and her children or they should be subjected to living with a person they describe. He blames the court for Jennifer Dulos murder. Someone has to be willing to weaponize the court system. Looks like when it didn't work it resulted in murder. Julie Mingue tried to get assistance from the police. . Connecticut is not a fairytale land absent of abuse. Parental alienation is and has been an excuse to deny it. It's created unsurmountable difficulty. Connecticut judicial system is completely devoted to fatherhood. Including the criminal court system. Which is another problem in the state of Connecticut. Parental alienation has become the modern day witch hunt in the state of Connecticut. That's not reform it's domination of the family court discussion.

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Thank you Mike Volpe for assisting to get the truth out. It's not fatherhood that is the problem. It's the abuse of the initiative and it's objective are interfering with family court system. You made a phone call. That's not research. If you are to expect people to believe claims of DV are false, but don't want people to believe DV is happening. Some parents of both genders are unhealthy. To force relationship are detrimental to well being. Calling some judges out is extremely important. The action and conduct of the gals and psychologist are even more important. Your last article are not stating anything about what the judges have done. They applied Jennifer law to a case ? They applied it to several father's cases as well. Are you angry because the state of Connecticut is responding to a call to action? There is now hearings and response to the false alligations of parental alienation. Are you angry because the mysogy and bias caused by fatherhood legislation and objective is being called out? Are you angry because court appointed psychologist who promote parental alienation and reunification therapy are being investigated and convicted of fraud,? Placing questions to the legitimacy of their involvement in family court? Dr. Pine promoting PA in the New York times is just one. I will give you bad judges are on the bench. Why do you insist they are only bad if they don't promote parental alienation or DV is a false? DV is happening to men and women. Why do you promote it's a big falsehood?

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Funny, I worked with WIlliam Petit to promote "family" court reform legislation. He's a nice guy who gets it.

Again, all of the fatherhood nonsense is exactly that - nonsense. Same recycled nonsense and utter unsubstantiated rubbish that has been circulating out there for over 20+ years now. Give it a rest and try and start doing something meaningful for much needed reforms.

Which would start with the presumption of equal and shared parenting now on the lawbooks in one form or another in 37 states. Because that's what makes COMMON SENSE. Rather that sensationalist press. And which the $60B+ Divorce Industry is fighting against and to prevent.

Gee, why would they do that Mike? Do explain.

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Did Mr. Petit realize that Joshua got full custody of his daughter just days before he did what he did. Using an access and visitation grant? This is not nonsense. Almost a billion dollars at last count. Why are you deflecting from it. You debunked nothing. I'm going to keep repeating myself because the money is true. The statistics are not broken down. You keep insisting domestic violence is nonsense and don't believe the statistics. Yet, you plaster Facebook pages and use statics at legislative session. The divorce industry has increased with the parental alienation claims but we are not going to discuss that. The contract for the fatherhood initiative is lucrative. The head of the 503 c non profit organization the national fatherhood initiative president makes almost $700 thousand a year. The average salary is 80 to 104 thousand a year for employees. The head of CGS government solutions pushing the initiative in 48 states makes almost $800 thousand a year. Hundreds of thousands of dollars for self reported studies in experimental psychology departments. Including Yale. You did a sloppy job looking for the money.

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As a borderline/narcissist abuse victim, who's still fighting to see his children almost 2 years after separation, due to the most trivial and unsupported evidence.. it's easy to spot the ill-intent in the video just from the smirk. The ad hominem attacks are just confirmation.

There is no denying mental illness; there's no denying that people with mental illness' get married and divorced. It logically follows that children and spouses of those mentally ill people are affected. PA is an easy to understand term for children suffering in the abuse of a pathogenic/mentally ill parent. period.

It is incomprehensible to me that any of this can be denied with a straight face (obviously not the case here)

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And yet, here you are unable or unwilling to describe it, only saying that there's a club which knows and anyone who doesn't isn't part of the club.

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It appears you're creating a straw man argument.

There is an abundance of information available for learning from very well respected Drs who have never been in the situation themselves. Please feel free to look it/them up.

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The Parental Alienation Facebook pages have over 30,000+ members and are among the largest groups on Facebook.

Compared to the very small number of a few hundred vocal and (wealthy) women who have co-opted the conversation with claims "it doesn't exist." (Including extremist women who believe that women should automatically get custody in every divorce case.)

Relying on now DECADES old myths and falsehoods to somehow try and discredit *millions* of fit parents being cut off from their children for no valid reason -- other than Divorce Industry and state profit and greed.

This request for proclamation recognizing alienation and the very real and lifelong damage it causes to millions of children, parents and families is not a controversial one. Every governor going back to John Rowland has signed it.

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It's not just wealthy women. Did you listen to the vice president of black lives matter 860. Again Syzmonick break down how many in your group are from Connecticut. It's got people from other countries. Who has said that women should get custody! Produce a name or your just spreading junk in the thread. Who are you to decide what is abuse? You want to push a broad term like parental alienation but don't like the definition of domestic abuse. I'm going to tell you based on my personal experience it doesn't exist. Start breaking down statistics and give definitions. There is almost one billion dollars, probably more now for the fatherhood initiative. You debunked nothing. Doug Edwards is a judicial branch employee. Real dads are forever. There is funding in the state of Connecticut. It's through DCF and the department of social services. UConn fatherhood initiative. Father's for change. Domestic batter programs. Churches such as the Catholic church is receiving funding. When anyone attempts to show you , you say you don't believe it. You can very easily look up statistics and look at the government project for marriage. Break the 30 thousand down for Connecticut residents. Or stop using for the state. God forbid anyone other than Peter Syzmonick has statistics and information. Something to say about parental alienation. You devaluing and degrade anyone who doesn't go along with your narrative. You say that the courts are currupt when it's convenient to what you want. Parental alienation is not real. It's a made up diagnosis manufacturer for court. Splitting is a clinical term used for someone who is trying to turn people against another. Personality traits are found in everyone. They become a disorder when they have a REPEATED effect on someone's life. It's a weapon used in the family court house. It's not difficult to find a pattern. These people in many cases are being coached. Parental alienation is UFO sighted on the hour in every court house. It's a joke. One parent says the sky is blue and the other says it gray. The kids think it's blue so the parent who says it's gray runs to the court house and claims alienation. The Red carpet is rolled out the appoints and the parent who says the ski is gray is a victim. No one in the court house bothers to look at what the sky looked like on that day.

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This gentleman is a shining example of misogyny. This is a political platform using statics that are not broken down for political agenda. 24 percent of fathers are abandoning children. Several father's are incarcerated the majority minority. This gentleman is painting a picture that women are Willy nilly trying to remove the father from the children lives. This is not an accurate picture of what is happening. These videos are being used by a large number of men. Prodomity white with economic means. Painting a picture that mothers are engaging in conduct that they are not. The majority of household are single father's these days. That are not having better results. Many are underserved community in poverty. Incarceration is a big problem in fatherless household. Setting a poor example. The statistics being used to promote fatherhood as a supervisor parents are not true. Monetized white father's are using disadvantage black father's. In poverty, in prison and unable to pay child support.

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"24 percent of fathers are abandoning children". Based on what? From where? Which unbiased and scientific peer-reviewed study?

More unsubstantiated myths and fairy tales using numbers that are based on nothing and made up out of thin air.

Come on Heidi. We know whose bidding you're doing. Maybe it's time she showed herself and used her own voice instead of speaking through you and the other women she is using? What happened to #MeToo? :-)

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You tell me what happened to me too family court? Who's bidding would I be doing? I had an experience with the family court. False alligations of parental alienation. I started speaking out and met a lot of other women who experienced this. Some I question and several I don't. You can keep attacking me because I looked up the statistics and information surrounding the family court. I don't support your narrative. There is problem at the court house. Not everyone has to agree with you Peter. You believe everyone should split custody. Divorce is not the basis for fatherless households. It's incarceration deployment death and abuse. You don't support breaking statistics down. You don't believe in DV or child abuse, but everyone presenting problems at the court house is an alienator ?

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It’s unfortunate that you became a victim of the corrupt family court system, but that doesn’t change the facts

The facts are very, very simple. The divorce industry is incentivized for false narratives to be propagated.

The attorneys use this as their fuel to run the meter inside with a pathological narrative

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