Jun 19Liked by Richard Luthmann

Thank you for your continued coverage that demonstrates the manipulation of the courts by predators.

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Jun 18Liked by Richard Luthmann

Thank you for exposing the nightmares of family court. It's the same story over and over again, just different names.

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Jun 18Liked by Richard Luthmann

This is unspeakable. What recourse do these mothers have, if the courts and the "Child Protective Services" are working together to run a lucrative child trafficking operation? When Senator Nancy Schaefer, back in the early to mid 2000s, stood up to these loathsome monsters, she and her husband were MURDERED. She had a documentary made, about to expose them and they killed her, as well as her husband and the courts ruled it a murder/suicide. How do you fight this monstrous force of evil? John McCain and his wife were involved in the trafficking, and used their foundation to facillitate their horrendous crimes. Joe Biden is involved in trafficking on our southern border, making BILLIONS of dollars, through the cartels. Our government is corrupt to the bone and I see no way out. I'm beyond ashamed and sickened.

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Jun 18Liked by Richard Luthmann

We don't have any recourse. My son Adam is dead. These people keep living their happy lives and my son won't because of their greed.

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Elena, you are a beautiful and strong woman and advocate. Keep up the fight. Exposing the corruption and hypocrisy is the only way forward.

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18Liked by Richard Luthmann

Richard, thank you so much for your kindness and support.

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Jun 19Liked by Richard Luthmann

My heart just breaks for you mama. I cry with you. Words cannot appropriately articulate my sorrow for you and your babyboy.

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Jun 19Liked by Richard Luthmann

It goes so far beyond greed, it's terrifying. They're psychopaths, they're incapable of caring about our children. They deliberately position themselves in these departments and institutions, for the express purpose of taking our children. These people are pedophiles and abusers. There, I said it. It's hard to face, but until we do, we can't stop them.

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Jun 19Liked by Richard Luthmann

I wish I could say that my experience didn’t directly match what you are saying. But it does and so I have to agree with you. The facts just keep pointing to that over and over again.

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Jun 19Liked by Richard Luthmann

Exactly. How often does this have to happen before we accept it for what it is? The government is not our friend. They're not even hiding it anymore, bc they think they're untouchable and there's nothing we can do about it. I certainly hope your experience worked out for you.

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Jun 20Liked by Richard Luthmann

One of these days I will be able to give all glory to the Creator because I do believe He is going to restore. But I (and many) have a lot to continue learning and a lot of strengthening to do to be equipped to take down all of this. As of this moment, no my babes are still in it. And my experience is quite similar to these other mamas, except I pray that I never have to face the ‘final’ pain they now endure. Do you mind me asking how you also know so much? Have you gone through this nightmare as well?

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So sorry to hear you're still entangled in that web. I did go through a very contentious custody fight, but luckily it only cost me nearly $20,000 and no brush with the family courts/CPS. I only know of any of this because of my own research, stemming from child trafficking in the Marshall Islands, where I once lived and delving into the horrible, corrupt democrat party. Mind you, some republicans are equally involved and guilty, but at least some of them are good, decent people and I can't say the same about ANY democrats. Thank you for taking the time to respond to me. I appreciate any and all interactions that add to my knowledge.

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