I am praying for Monica. I was in contact with her just before her 10th arrest. These people are so evil & corrupt. Free this innocent mom !

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I'd love to see how obvious the bias in the 9% who said "Yes, she broke the law". Guarantee you, 100% filthbag attorneys.

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I believe anyone who makes a false accusation of child abuse or domestic violence should go to jail, especially if anyone was harmed by the accusation. Otherwise false accusations will only exponentially increase. If she did make a false accusation, as the post says below, she belongs in jail. I saw the FB posting, and I saw it as threat to the judge. No excuses. I’m tired of women who use DARVO as an excuse for their bad behavior. And I’m a woman.

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Questions: False allegations: Even prosecutors? Even judges?

Facebook Post: What specifically makes it a 'Threat'?

What makes it a 'True Threat'?

What makes it a 'Terroristic Threat'?

"I'll swim to Brunei and piss on the Sultan" is a threat. But it's not a TRUE THREAT because it's laughable to think I'll swim to Brunei.

I think Monica Ciardi's statements, if they are Threats, are not True Threats and definitely not Terroristic Threats. They are not believable.

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Can you investigate what happened to Judge Lisa Thornton? She was the assignment judge for Monmouth County Court, NJ. This article say she was you know. There are rumors she was talking to the feds and then there are rumors she's in witsec. Why was this not on the news? They created Daniel's law because of judge Salas, why is this a secret?


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All allegations need to be examined properly not dismissed without proof. You assume she's lying—why? Because she's a woman? That mindset is exactly why abusers thrive in family court. Congrats, you’re not just ignoring abuse, you’re enabling it. Women like you are very much part of the problem and the reason abuse persists. And you won't learn until it is you or your daughter at the receiving end. And then you will come across the Cindys who refuse to believe you either. Comeuppance.

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Horseshit. Have far would one have to look.. to see where YOUR vested interests lie. Or are you the PR firm hired to lie. Such filthbags all of you.

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Imagine that! Jail is an unpleasant place to be! Who would have guessed that? I thought it was all about rainbows and sunshine. Maybe she should have thought about that when she made up false allegations and try to send a loving father to jail? She is NOT a mother and never will be. Keep her locked up. She is a threat to society.

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Catching up late. What alligations did she make? Unsubstantiated claims are lumped in to false alligations. I never made a report to the family court I didn't have evidence of. The court ignores evidence and down play situations in family court. Have you ever practiced family law? As a criminal defense attorney I'm sure you have seen false alligations. The same situation can happen to people who are reporting things with evidence. These people are often discarded in family law situation. In which I have often thought people in family court system sometimes need a criminal lawyer, not just a family court attorney. It's a go to in the family law system to make women out to be mentally deficient or ill. Especially when reporting. You have a young woman in colleges who report rapes. The person taking the complaint go after the woman reporting. Several complaints are filled against the detective taking complaints. She is charged with false reporting. Scared she takes a deal. A few years later one of the two accused rapes another by gun point. Look into victim suspect a documentary. This happens all over the United States. The woman in California abducted burned in the media by the police department. Later to be proven a true story. Sometimes things are not as they appear. Sometimes they are. Hard to tell in the family court system.

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The funny thing is that people who are making the false allegations know they are false but are surprised when it is obvious to a judge, they are false. This woman has been arrested 10 times and has spent significant time in jail. Her husband was briefly arrested and released. So obviously the charges against her were substantiated and the ones against him were not. I am not in that court room, and I don't know the details, but the judges were, and they decided. And judges get a lot of oversight. I can tell this particular person is a psychopath just by her Facebook page.

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One factor is because she stayed and fought. How many women have fled insane family courts in NJ, NY, CT, IL, VA, PA, CA? Plenty. I get calls all the time. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Before it was stay and fight, speak up, become vilified, criminalized, and marginalized by the Blue State machine.

Or run and hide. Give up. Accept the abuse. Stay silent.

That was before Trump and Pam Bondi.

The new method will be defund and prosecute.

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P.S. You can also add Louisiana to that list .... hands down the most corrupt family court judges and lawyers you can find in the country esp. Baton Rouge.

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Yep! Defund Family Court Mafia. Only way to drain the filthy swamp is to put them all out of work, judges, lawyers et al, take away their immunity and file lawsuits back to back to recover all the money they have stolen from the American people. If they try to run or hide their homes should be seized and given to the families who became bankrupt and lost their homes as a result of their scam. Their children and grandchildren don't deserve a future any better than the countless children whose future they have destroyed.

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Ah yes, the classic 'judges know best' argument. Reality Check: they don't - They are as biased as they come. Strange how that blind faith only applies when the rulings favor men. These same corrupt judges who let abusers walk are the ones you're defending. You admit you ‘don’t know the details,’ yet somehow, you’re certain she’s guilty and he’s innocent—how convenient. And now you’re diagnosing people based on Facebook? Fantastic. Maybe it’s time to step back and take a long, hard look in the mirror and ask yourself - are you really defending evidence-based justice or just instinctively protecting abusers and haters who think like you.

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I know enough details. I saw her Facebook page and read what she wrote.

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Bless your heart.

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Fake Fake Planeted shit. You people are so gross. Does anyone believe these are REAL? Wonderful argument you are making. You are a real stand up human.

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