If it were not for women like Karen Riordan and the blogs, I wouldn't have a had a clue what was happening. When you go to court and have a child not getting along with the other parent, you think the courts should at least give a 16 year olds a chance to speak. They blame it all on the other parent. Force you to pay and keep paying. Up until the 18th birthday. I got dragged to court on a contempt motion that actually stated parental alienation 5 months before my child turned 18. Wanting more" reunification therapy" . The contempt motion was filled on Christmas eve. There is zero effort to resolve conflicts. Cash is king and they will try to get as much of it as possible. It's absolutely amazing this is allowed to go on .

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Also, you need to include women on your podcast regarding this. I will end my membership. Because this is happening to both sexes males and females including myself.

They are using laws to weaponize courts, lawyers, judges, dcs, Gal, DOJ to take our kids and give them to their abusers or trafficking.

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Ruth, what would you want us to do next? We brought on a mother, Karen Riordan. We spoke about the Rucki case. Do you want to speak on behalf of protective moms, or do you have someone you would want to see?

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NSPO, ONE Mom's Battle, and etc.

Have you seen treason, trafficked?? Salem Now

Beneath sheep's clothing

Salem Now

Line in the sand

Okeef media

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This is happening to tons of mothers as well. Whomever is the protective parents they are going after.

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