Hales had Always put the events of his life on his channel, and when Preston wrote the signs, she - who was already a public figure, having run for public office and having an advertised turtle rescue - inserted herself into his life. The point is that the Federal courts are moving forward because there is a case. Bruce Matzkin has publicly admitted and demonstrated, that he is a highly unethical lawyer, who worked to create a group focused on distroying Jeremy Hales. Their supposed handwriting expert, paid to say the signs were not written by Preston, will likely not be used in court - and if he is he will be tossed out immediately as a fake - like he has in many other cases and it takes just several minutes in Google to verify that. People get up early in rural areas like that and the malicious intent was clearly existent, the creation and placement of the signs was verified by Preston and her partner, then extensive false claims, threats, and defamation built from there with Matzkin becoming a part of the group - all constantly defaming Hales with the goal, as stated by Matzkin to take Jeremy and his channel down. To see more on the story be certain to follow both sides of it - because Matzkin, who chased the case down for the stated purpose of fame and bringing forth another story of his (beyond of course financial gain) has been compulsively lying regarding many aspects of the case. These lies and spins are that Jeremy is antisemitic, one of those clear accusations that people make to falsely accuse and cancel another person. The name was created as simple comedy because it closely matched and is a play on his. Jeremy is also a publicly long time Christian and so his comment regarding Bruce going to GOD (because he is behaving evil - and I would argue is) was ridiculous to try and confuse in the way Bruce has tried. That is enough on this ridiculousness, as there is so much to say - Bruce is even on record admitting that she is a public figure! Jeremy, as a victim who has received many very real threats, has every right to video for his protection (and to clear his name from all the defamation of Matzkin and his gang). In fact, the local police have said that if it is not on tape, it didn’t happen further encouraging video record keeping. There is a GREAT deal of basis for concerns regarding that child - and it is not contrived - she has had children taken away from CPS and has been involved with them consistently over many years and in many towns, states, and even, I understand, in another country. Luthmann seems to have the idea in his debates with Matzkin. Bruce claims that the Hales case is frivolous but one really need to learn about the two cases Matzkin spearheaded against Hales/people involved with him! 🤣 TRUTH - check it out Luthmann! 🤣 Bruce struck Megan Fox with copy-write just to shut her up - that says a great deal. (He and the PR team he spends a great deal of time involved with have even extensively threaten witnesses and those who would speak out - clear attempts to silence the truth.) Jeremy, on the other hand, has always been very protective of his business and his brand.

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Stop repeating talking points. She's not a public figure running for city council in a small town. Someone who ran for city council in Chicago and didn't win wouldn't be a public figure. Hales supporters all have the same talking points. None of you have the first clue what a public figure is. You just claimed she is akin to Michael Jordan, LeBron James and Robert DeNiro.

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Question. Is someone who is prolific posting online and in open chats, appearing on you tube, fundraising from the public, seeking publicity and appearing in and on TV and newspapers seeking publicity and running for town council NOT A PUBLIC PERSON? Even if this publicity is voluntary sought?

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No. You just compared these folks to Michael Jordan, LeBron James, Al Pacino, and President Trump. Look up what a public figure is. Google is your friend. Stop getting your news from Hales.

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Really? 1. I didn't get this from Hales 2. I wasn't comparing any person. It was a hypothetical question. YOU look up "Local Public figure" and "limited-purpose public figures". I actually knew the answer to my question, I was hoping for a informed, respectful reply to see your Objectivity.

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I will investigate. But I will say that Megan Fox treated me very poorly. I am trying to get Mr. Hales' side of things, and Megan Fox insulted me.

I don't want to get into a Media War with Megan Fox. Not because I won't win very easily but because I don't want to destroy her career. It would be fun, mind you. I am a Viking and love to break shit.

I genuinely want to cover this story because it relates to social media issues I am covering related to Danesh Noshirvan and Cancel Culture.

Jeremy Hales actually produces entertaining content and is likable (unlike @ThatDaneshGuy).

I want to know about:

1. Did Jeremy Hales make and place the defamatory lawn signs himself, or is that a vile lie?

2. Is Jeremy Hales responsible for the calls to CPS (personally or by directing his followers)?

3. Does Jeremy hate Jews, or is that another vicious lie?

I would like him to go on record on these points. I think they are central to the case.

If #WhatTheHales is listening, please reach out.

I'm in Florida and don't mind driving up for an interview.

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He didn't write the signs. Lynette was a prolific sign writer. She targeted other residents and town council members with signs too, evidence on video.

Jeremy made 1 call to CPS in fear of the childs living conditions. He always told followers not to contact anyone. Lynettes posts and behaviour causes calls. Visitors to properly and other residents made some calls.

.The CPS calls started before she came to OC.

Never heard anything said about Jews!? He is religious and occasionally quotes Jesus and his teachings. Jesus was a Jew. His partner is an Egyptian born in USA. Hes not racist either .

Jeremy NEVER talks about his junk! He does reference his 2" pipe (long story) and occasionally his long drive way (he has 2)

There is a court order against LP AND JC for no contact with the Hales including third party and they are both constantly in contempt and are due back in court again over this.

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HALES said Lynette should suffer the same consequences of the crime he was accused of. ie jail time for the false rape accusation. Lynette twisted it to he wanted her to be raped. Its on video so Bruce needs to drop that narrative otherwise it will chip his credibility. To the investigator. The signs were malicious because he refused them access to his followers to raise money to build their house and she turned nasty. Hales also has a no contact order on them which has multiple contempt charges too.

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Having a no-contact order on the one hand and then making the subjects of the no-contact order the centerpiece of your media production seems a bit hypocritical.

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It also means you aren't really afraid of the people you got the no contact order against.

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We shouldn't need to be afraid because the law protects us. But if the law fails to act in a timely manner or people ignore or break the law then one has every right to fear unstable people (more so when guns/drugs/alcohol/threats are involved). If events are not documented then where's the proof what happened? Broadcasting is news worthy as there are multiple court cases with publicly available documents and this in and of itself provides the momentum for production.

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There wouldn't be anything to publish if they complied with the order.

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Which is the point entirely. I think Jeremy Hales NEEDS THEM to make compelling media.

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He did Ok without them. I agree the court cases are interesting but I much prefer the coin pushers and other content. He is selling up to get away from them so hopefully this mess will be over soon(ish).

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Or do they need him? without his publicity they wouldnt have fence, house. Safer environment for animals/child. Christmas etc. What is going to happen when no one feels sorry for her anymore?

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We are going on a cruise! BFF's forever! They are great people.

Harley Christmas is going to be bigger next year!!

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