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The Unknown Episode 8

Rick and I talked about the "silver bullet technique"
"Volpe's Getting His Irish On" Red Bank NJ Attorney Steven Monaghan has riled up Mike Volpe, who talks about how he popularized the term "Silver Bullet Divorce" almost ten years ago. We discussed these issues and the New Jersey "Botox Bruise" Silver Bullet case of Lori Grossi, Monaghan's client who submitted the "Botox Bruise" pictures to the courts - along with news articles - as "proof" of abuse. Attorney Monaghan is asking Monmouth County NJ Judge Albert Rescinio for an authoritarian Order gagging the father's First Amendment rights because of news articles uncovering alleged dishonest and fraudulently presented court documents in the context of a heated "Silver Bullet" divorce. File Under: You can't make this shit up. -
Lori Grossi may have falsely accused her ex-husband of abuse to gain leverage in their child custody case.

Rick Luthmann and I were back for episode eight of The Unknown.

We touched on current events, including the recent indictment of New York Mayor Eric Adams and the response to Hurrican Helene.

We also talked about how current Federal District Judge Kari Dooley ignored a blatant conflict of interest more than a decade ago. Check out my interview with Bruce Matzkins.

The most interesting story was broken on Rick’s site. It’s called Botox Bruise Divorce Drama: Attorney Monaghan Asks NJ Judge Albert Rescinio To Sign an Illegal, Authoritarian, Gag Order.

The story examined an allegation of abuse, one Rick felt was bogus.

The abuse allegation, made by Lori Grossi against her ex-husband John Grossi, led to a restraining order.

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That restraining order forced John out of his house, and he hasn’t seen his children in about six months.

Rick insisted that this was bogus; I was more skeptical, however, if bogus, it represented another use of the “silver bullet technique.”

The silver bullet is something I have talked about for nearly a decade. I first introduced it in earnest when talking about Neil Shelton’s case.

{Check out my interview with Doc Washburn when we talked about the silver bullet technique as well.}

The silver bullet technique is when one party- usually the female- uses a bogus allegation of abuse to attain a restraining order, and that restraining order is used as leverage in a child custody case.

I have been on the receiving end of one of these

There is no doubt that Lori has used this restraining order for leverage. As Rick explained, it’s how she got John out of their home. She included their children in it, and as such, he hasn’t seen them for over six months.


Rick argued that she created a bruise using Botox. I was skeptical that it was Botox, though it has been known to happen.

What is definitely scandalous about this situation is that the hearing to determine if the restraining order is to be granted has still not been completed after six months.

A restraining order should be dealt with in two months at most. This has been allowed to go on, and this is entirely the judge’s fault, Judge Albert Rescinio.

Judge Albert Rescindo

Though I was skeptical that the allegations were falsely, I have become less skeptical since the show.

Lori’s attorney, Steven “Scumbag” Monaghan, sent John’s lawyer a proposed injunction which would violate John’s first amendment rights because of the broadcast.

Steve “Scumbag” Monaghan
Part of Monaghan’s proposed injunction

Attached to this blatant violation of John’s first amendment rights- err proposed injunction- was an affidavit by his drama queen client, Lori Grossi.

Imagine arguing that you are being harassed because your friend tells you to watch a video.

That was Lori’s argument; she was being harassed because her friend shared a video link- to our broadcast- which Lori then watched.

Both Drama Queen and her scumbag lawyer- who did not respond to my email for comment- have a healthy contempt for the first amendment. Neither think that John should be able to exercise it. Here is more from the proposed injunction.

Here is more from Lori’s affidavit.

These two think that John shouldn’t be allowed to post about Lori, though Rick told me that Lori has used her daughters to post about John.

Lori is definitely trying to leverage this injunction so that makes it more likely that she is leveraging false allegations.

Here is the email I sent to her attorney.

Mr. Monaghan,

My name is Michael Volpe. I'm an investigative journalist and I own this site,

I hosted the show with Rick Luthmann which you referenced in a recent injunction you hope to get.

This injunction seems to blatantly violate Mr. Grossi's first amendment rights and your client claims she was harassed after a friend sent her the video.

Your client appears to be a drama queen and her affidavit in support of your injunction seems to validate the conclusion she's a liar.

What do you think? Particularly, what is your thought on the first amendment?

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