BREAKING VIDEO: TikTok Influencer Robbie Harvey Exposes Pedophile and Psychopath Christopher Ambrose's Support By CT Family Court
NATIONAL EXPOSURE: Will the Feds Come For CHOMO Ambrose? CT Family Judges and Court Officials? DCF? Madison CT Sheriff Jack Drumm?
Today marks the beginning of the end for Christopher Ambrose. Don’t take my word for it. Ask TikTok Influencer Robbie Harvey, who has promised to expose the plight of the Ambrose children and their sexual molestation and abuse at the hands of their adoptive father, disgraced Hollywood Writer and Former Clintons/DNC Lawyer Christopher Ambrose of Madison, Connecticut.
Watch and decide for yourself:
I have been writing about this Albino Child Rapist for months.
Investigative Journalist Frank Parlato has been writing about it longer than me.
Now Robbie Harvey has made it a National Story.
I talked about the threats he’s made to reporters who told the truth about how he rapes his kids:
I’ve talked about the underage sex and drinking parties he’s had at his home, where 14 and 15-year-old girls get raped by 23-year-old men.
I’ve talked about how the Ambrose children went on the run, crossing state lines to avoid their father’s abuse:
I’ve posted explosive audio from the Mount Pleasant, New York, Police Department, where officers told the Ambrose children that they had “no choice” but to get raped, either by their pedophile father or in NYS custody:
Now TikTok influencer Robbie Harvey has blown the story wide open.
Connecticut Judges, court personnel, DCF, and Madison, CT Sheriff Jack Drumm are likely to come under scrutiny because this story has now gone national.
Robbie Harvey won’t stop.
Stay tuned.
There is still time to help the Ambrose Children:
A Go Fund Me Page has been established to help Karen Riordan, a special education teacher, and her three children, Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer, reunite and achieve justice in her unequal fight against her well-funded ex-husband and a total psychopath, Christopher Ambrose. If it is within your means, please help this family.
Karen Riordan has complete discretion over the use of these funds, which will be used to:
Support the family in covering financial needs like food, clothing, and back-to-school. Ambrose hasn’t paid for his kids since April.
Hire experienced legal counsel to present a compelling case in court.
Engage qualified experts to evaluate the children’s well-being and provide unbiased assessments.
Highlight the evidence of abuse and its profound impact on the children’s mental and emotional health.
Advocate for the children’s voices to be heard and considered in court proceedings.
Promote regional and national awareness of this case so that abusers are not empowered by twisting Jennifer’s Law and similar legislation to protect domestic violence victims.
You can DONATE HERE. Regardless of size, every donation will significantly impact this family’s future. Your support can help reunite Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer with their mother, allowing them to heal and rebuild their lives.
Richard Luthmann is a writer, commentator, satirist, and investigative journalist with degrees from Columbia University and the University of Miami. A transplanted New Yorker, Luthmann is a member of the National Writers Union now living in Southwest Florida.
Check him out on Muck Rack.
“I am a journalist who writes about justice, the courts, government officials, prisons, and reform. You find some questionable players in all these places and often outright crooks. Exposing these bottom feeders from the outside is sometimes the only way to make them pay the price for their injustice and misdeeds.”
“I often use satire and opinion to make my point. I have already been told to ‘stop writing about the Government’ by the U.S. Government, so I must be doing something right.”
“If you’re a victim of the system, maybe the press is the right forum for you. If you have experienced injustice and are tired of dropping tens of thousands of dollars without results, maybe it’s time to try the digital pen.”
Contact Richard Luthmann at 239-631-5957 or
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~ Marcus Tullius Cicero
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