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CT Psychopath Christopher Ambrose's DARVO Abuse Tactics Explained

FCVFC's Jill Jones Soderman Explains Connecticut’s Christopher Ambrose's False Abuse Allegations and Legal Manipulations
DARVO Abuser Christopher Ambrose

By Richard Luthmann

Christopher Ambrose, a former Hollywood writer and suspended attorney, is at the center of a highly publicized family court battle in Connecticut. Accusations of child abuse, manipulation of the legal system, and DARVO tactics have emerged in his ongoing case against his ex-wife, Karen Riordan.

DARVO, an acronym for "Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender," describes how abusers flip the script to portray themselves as victims. In this case, it is alleged that Ambrose, a diagnosed psychopath, has mastered this strategy, leaving his children and ex-wife devastated.

Jill Jones Soderman, Executive Director of the Foundation for the Child Victims of the Family Courts (FCVFC), is no stranger to confronting these injustices. She sat down with Dr. Bandy Lee, a forensic psychiatrist who has diagnosed Ambrose, and testified on the alarming levels of psychopathy she observed in him.

Dr. Bandy Lee, MD

“He scored 32 out of 40 on the Hare Psychopathy Checklist,” said Dr. Lee. “A score of 30 is the threshold for diagnosing someone as a psychopath. In my career, which includes working with maximum security inmates, Ambrose’s score is higher than many serial killers I’ve evaluated.”

According to Dr. Lee and Soderman, Ambrose's behavior aligns with DARVO. Instead of accepting responsibility for the abuse allegations, Ambrose has turned the tables, accusing his ex-wife of brainwashing their children and manipulating the courts. His legal knowledge has reportedly allowed him to exploit the system, frustrating efforts to hold him accountable.

Dr. Lee shared chilling details from her testimony in Connecticut’s family court.

“Ambrose blocked my testimony multiple times,” she said. “When I was finally allowed to testify, the judge, Thomas O’Neill, sustained every objection Ambrose made. When I spoke to the danger Ambrose posed to his children and society, the judge struck it from the record.”

Ambrose, representing himself in court, has repeatedly used his legal acumen to outmaneuver Riordan’s legal team.

Dr. Jill Jones Soderman with ‘The Trial of Socrates’ behind her.

“He knows the system inside and out,” Soderman said. “He’s highly intelligent but also dangerously manipulative. This combination makes him incredibly effective at deploying DARVO tactics.”

Soderman went on to explain the DARVO framework.

“DARVO is about denying any wrongdoing, attacking the accuser, and reversing the roles so the offender appears to be the victim,” she said. “Ambrose has used these tactics repeatedly in the courtroom and in public, accusing his ex-wife of alienating the children from him, all while hiding his own abusive behavior.”

The case is especially troubling for Riordan, who was once devoted to Ambrose.

“She adored him,” Soderman explained. “Karen truly believed he was brilliant, but that admiration blinded her to his dangerous tendencies. Now, she’s fighting to protect their children from the very man she once loved.”

Ambrose’s abuse, according to court documents, includes severe emotional and physical mistreatment of his children. Dr. Lee recalled a particularly harrowing incident.

The Ambrose children in happier times.

“Ambrose’s eldest daughter, Mia, fled from him after three years of separation from her mother. When I evaluated them, the trauma was evident. This family has been through hell.”

Adding to the complications is Ambrose’s calculated interference with witnesses and professionals involved in the case.

“He’s been harassing me for over a year,” Dr. Lee said. “He’s contacted my affiliates at Columbia, Yale, and Harvard, trying to discredit me. This is witness intimidation, plain and simple.”

Soderman echoed these concerns, highlighting that Ambrose’s DARVO strategy is not limited to his ex-wife but extends to anyone who challenges him.

“He’s gone after witnesses, lawyers, and even DCF workers. He won’t stop until he’s destroyed everyone in his path.”

Despite overwhelming evidence of abuse, the family court system has consistently ruled in Ambrose’s favor. Dr. Lee and Soderman blame a broken system that too often sides with abusers.

CT Judge Thomas J. O’Neill

“The courts are complicit in this abuse,” Soderman said. “Judges like Thomas O’Neill are enabling psychopaths like Ambrose. They’re more concerned with their own reputations than protecting children.”

The Foundation for the Child Victims of the Family Courts works tirelessly to expose these systemic failures.

“We take on cases no one else will touch,” Soderman said. “Our goal is to protect children from abusers like Ambrose, who use their intelligence and connections to manipulate the courts.”

Dr. Lee, who has worked extensively with violent offenders, remains committed to holding Ambrose accountable despite the personal cost.

“I won’t be silenced,” she said. “I’ve reported him to the police, and I’ve requested protective orders, but the court refuses to act.”

The situation has reached a boiling point as more professionals step forward to expose the corruption within the Connecticut family court system. Soderman is optimistic but cautious.

CT Mom Karen Riordan

“We will keep fighting,” she said. “But the system is stacked against us. This is about more than one family—it’s about reforming a broken system that allows abusers to thrive.”

As the legal battle continues, Ambrose’s DARVO tactics remain a textbook case of how abusers manipulate not only their victims but the courts and public perception.

“This case isn’t just about Karen Riordan,” Soderman said. “It’s about every protective parent fighting to save their children from an abuser who has the system on their side.”

The Foundation for the Child Victims of the Family Courts will continue its work to advocate for Riordan and others like her.

“We’re not afraid of the truth,” Soderman said. “And we won’t stop until justice is served.”

The Ambrose case has drawn national attention, highlighting the urgent need for reform in family courts. As the battle unfolds, one thing is clear: Christopher Ambrose may have perfected DARVO, but his victims—and the professionals fighting for them—are determined to expose the truth.



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