DIRTY FEDS: FBI and Lead Prosecutor in Luthmann's Case Implicated in Serious Misconduct
PLUS: Is Laurie Cumbo's money "mobbed up"?
New and shocking evidence shows that Our Hero Luthmann may very well have yet another case overturned.
By way of background, Luthmann was housed in the Brooklyn MDC at the same time as NXIVM leader Keith Raniere was there. Luthmann and Raniere had several conversations, many about the FBI and shared lead prosecutrix, Moira Kim Penza, formerly of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of New York.
Now, explosive new revelations by Dr. Richard Kiper, a 20-year veteran of the FBI, claim evidence tampering by the Feds in the notorious NXIVM case. Dr. Kiper believes that the public may very well lose trust in the FBI and the DOJ.

A former FBI forensic computer examiner, Dr. Kiper believes evidence was tampered with as agents were under pressure to ensure they "got their man." Dr. Kiper believes there was a "concerted effort" by the FBI to tamper with evidence in order to get a conviction.
"I would say this is historical, at least in the history that I know of the FBI, this type of tampering has never been done to my knowledge,” Dr. Kiper said.
"If we don't have due process for people that we don't like, then we don't have a system of justice.” Dr. Kiper continued, "People will lose their trust in the FBI."
In the case of Strickler v. Greene, the United States Supreme Court spoke about the special role of the Federal Prosecutor and the search for truth, saying:
A United States Attorney is the representative not of an ordinary party to a controversy, but of a sovereignty whose obligation to govern impartially is as compelling as its obligation to govern at all, and whose interest, therefore, in a criminal prosecution is not that the sovereignty shall win a case, but that justice shall be done. 527 U.S. 263, 265, 119 S. Ct. 1936, 1941 (1999).
Moreover, in the case of Berger v. United States, the United States Supreme Court spoke about the Federal Prosecutor’s duty to act within the bounds of the law and ensure that justice is done:
The United States Attorney is the representative not of an ordinary party to a controversy, but of a sovereignty whose obligation to govern impartially is as compelling as its obligation to govern at all; and whose interest, therefore, in a criminal prosecution is not that it shall win a case, but that justice shall be done. As such, he is in a peculiar and very definite sense the servant of the law, the twofold aim of which is that guilt shall not escape or innocence suffer. He may prosecute with earnestness and vigor -- indeed, he should do so. But, while he may strike hard blows, he is not at liberty to strike foul ones. It is as much his duty to refrain from improper methods calculated to produce a wrongful conviction as it is to use every legitimate means to bring about a just one.
Additionally, it has been the applicable law for some time that a prosecutor is presumed to have knowledge of information gathered in his own office's investigation. United States v. Avellino, 136 F.3d 249, 255 (2d Cir. 1998); United States v. Payne, 63 F.3d 1200, 1208 (2d Cir. 1995).
How could such serious Governmental and Prosecutorial Misconduct have occurred under the watch of the Lead Prosecutrix, Moira Kim Penza? Dr. Kiper gives us an answer:
"I know that in the FBI, there is a lot of motivation, a lot of incentive to get your man.
"I know that because we have incentive awards, we have on the spot of awards, special achievement awards, quality step increases, which is sort of like a promotion within a grade, which gets you more money.... so there are a lot of incentives...
"You put this [case] on your resume, you can write to it, and then you can get promoted up the line...
"I didn't know anything about Mr. Raniere or the organization but it seems to me looking back over some of the press that he received, none of it was positive.
"So this is a person that a lot of people did not like, but that does not excuse the FBI from taking proactive steps to manipulate evidence or use manipulated evidence and misrepresenting its reliability in order in order to achieve a conviction.
"If we don't have due process for people that we don't like, then we don't have a system of justice.
So everyone from the top-on-down in today’s DOJ and FBI has an incentive to “get their man” at all costs - without regard to justice. Today’s DOJ and FBI are a far cry from the days when Robert H. Jackson was at the helm. The obligation to see justice done and not to use the phenomenal force of the Federal Government to strike foul blows has all but gone from the considerations or practice of the DOJ and the FBI in its current formulation.
Dr. Kiper’s claims that “resume building” appears to trump the legal and ethical obligations of AUSAs and Special Agents are confirmed in the NXIVM and Luthmann cases. Shortly after both cases were resolved, Lead Prosecutrix Moira Kim Penza “cashed in” and jumped ship to the Wilkinson Stekloff law firm, where she was made a Partner. The Wilkinson Stekloff law firm’s press release specifically referenced Prosecutrix Penza’s famous (and perhaps now infamous) conduct in the NXIVM case:
Most recently, Moira spearheaded the successful investigation and trial of Keith Raniere, the leader of a purported self-help organization called “Nxivm.” In a groundbreaking prosecution, Raniere and his co-defendants were charged with racketeering and racketeering conspiracy, involving an array of crimes including child exploitation, sex trafficking, forced labor, identity theft, extortion, money laundering, wire fraud and obstruction of justice, as well as stand-alone counts of sex trafficking and other crimes. Following a six-week trial, where Moira served as first chair for the government, Raniere was convicted of all charges.
That’s one hell of a resume booster. And it appears to have been supported by Prosecutrix Penza’s “foul blows” - the type that Justice Jackson and the United States Supreme Court have warned against. The type of “foul blows” that are anathema to due process and the appearance of a fair system of justice. The types of “foul blows” that have large swaths of the American public calling for the DOJ and the FBI to be investigated and defunded.

Additionally, the politicized nature of both the Luthmann and NXIVM cases totally destroyed any semblance of appearance that the United States Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of New York was not working as the enforcement arm of the Democrat Party. Prosecutrix Penza is a registered Democrat and clearly has her eyes on a Federal Judgeship. The price of serving her political masters was a “Get Them At All Costs” prosecutorial strategy, one that apparently violated the law and ethical rules. And who are Prosecutrix Penza and her Crooked Special Agents’ political masters? Look at Luthmann and Raniere’s common enemies, and it’s not hard to figure out. (Bill Clinton IS a rapist, BTW. No one goes to the barbershop 23 times and doesn’t get their hair cut. Bubba went to Epstein Island 23 times - that we know about).
Also, if the fact that Prosecutrix Penza is allegedly a dominatrix and the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of New York knew it while she prosecuted cases is proven, then then this situation is more than a couple of bad apples swayed by political and pecuniary gain. This entire situation is institutional rot that requires nothing less than a full proctology exam to be administered by the Republican Congress come January. How can anyone in power in the U.S. Attorney’s Office think that a Prosecutrix who gets off and is sexually gratified by causing others pain could faithfully discharge the duties of the Federal Prosecutor as articulated by Attorney General Robert H. Jackson? If these facts are proven, Prosecutrix Penza and her FBI minions, as well as all who supervised her or knew of her unfitness for duty and did nothing, should be questioned, sanctioned, and/or removed. These individuals, in the words of Justice Jackson, have acted from base motives and are some of the worst.
Redacted FBI Notes Reveal Troubling Issues For the FBI and the Distinct Attorney
Luthmann has not had a chance to tell his side of the story. But Luthmann will let the redacted documents do the taking the same way our favorite President has of late.
Luthmann has a pending Freedom of Information Act case pending against the DOJ and the FBI and is being released thousands upon thousands of pages of documents, drip by drip. In the last batch, several interesting FBI Reports were disclosed. Though redacted, everybody knows who these people are. And the implications for the Distinct Attorney, his Judge wife, and the Democrat Party are not good.
For example, you may remember when the Distinct Attorney’s Judge wife was embroiled in a scandal based on being taped by one of Luthmann’s clients. But almost miraculously, Luthmann was quickly disappeared by the FBI, and his client and the Judge’s troubles also disappeared.
Well, it appears that the FBI was running around Staten Island and running interference for the Distinct Attorney. Joe Biden (shady dealings with foreign powers, crack-smoking son’s laptop, daughter’s diary) and Hillary Clinton (emails, “suicides,” foreign influence peddling) aren’t the only Democrats to enjoy the FBI’s concierge personal service reserved only for members of the Democrat Party.
Like Ashley Biden's Diary and Hunter Biden's Laptop, was the FBI was running interference for the Distinct Attorney's Wife and her incriminating tapes? It sure looks like it. The FBI questioned “Mr. Democrat” himself, and their questions began with an interrogation about ‘THE TAPES.”
QUESTION: Does a “GOOD WOMAN” married to a “DECENT GUY” have to shut people up?
ANSWER: Apparently not, if they’re Democrats. They just get the FBI to do it for them. Take a listen and decide for yourself who’s a GOOD WOMAN and a who’s a DECENT GUY:
Now, obviously, the Distinct Attorney and the First Family don’t have the resources of the Clintons and can’t make people “suicide” themselves, but it appears they can and do have the power to SHUT PEOPLE UP. What is more, they have the power to get their political enemies (Luthmann, legal objectors, political operators) prosecuted by the Federales to make them go away. (More to come on this in the days and weeks ahead).
Additionally, the entire First Family episode that was swept under the rug has to do with the Judge improperly and illegally directing warrants away from certain defense-friendly judges in order to help the Distinct Attorney (unconstitutionally) obtain convictions.
QUESTION: Is the Judge talking about where warrants should go?
ANSWER: It sure as hell sounds like it. But that all gets swept under the rug because the Distinct Attorney has decided that you don’t deserve Constitutional Rights.
It must be nice to have the FBI running interference for your unethical, unconstitutional, and criminal activities - but you have to be a Democrat to get this concierge service. This is nothing new with today’s FBI and DOJ, who have lost the public’s trust. Check out Hunter Biden’s laptop, Ashley Biden’s Diary, Russia Russia Russia, Impeachment Hoax #1, Impeachment Hoax #2, Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, Steve Bannon, the January 6th show trials, etc. The list just keeps on growing.
Is NYC Cultural Affairs Commissioner Laurie Cumbo Connected to “La Cosa Nostra” or to a Fork?
More than just taking orders from the Democrat Party to dispose of those politically harmful to its operators, today’s FBI and DOJ engage in wholesale gaslighting. They have no qualms with advancing a knowingly false narrative and gaslighting judges, jurors, and the general public. For example, the DOJ released a court-filed document just after Luthmann’s 2017 arrest claiming that Luthmann was “mobbed up” and had “mafia connections.” The Feds like to call the mafia “La Cosa Nostra” (which is basically non-existent at this point in time, largely due to the DOJ’s efforts since the 1960s and, in particular, the efforts of legendary crime fighters). But this gaslighting has unintended consequences, and if you are collateral damage, you can thank the Distinct Attorney.
The FBI and DOJ like to use laws on the books and twist their intended law enforcement purposes. For example, the Government uses RICO and conspiracy laws from the 1950s and 1960s intended to be used against “La Cosa Nostra” to prosecute anyone linked to Italian-Americans. Prosecutrix Moira Kim Penza had no qualms with labeling Luthmann a “mob lawyer” because he was connected to his co-defendant George Padula. And the Italian-American Organizations are notably silent on this issue.
The only problem is that George Padula is connected to a fork. The Distinct Attorney’s entire problem with George Padula is that he engaged in political activity against the First Family by being the legal objector to the Distinct Attorney’s Designating Petitions at the NYC Board of Elections in 2015. The Distinct Attorney routinely calls any political opposition against him or his wife a “reign of terror.” But that’s the Democrat Party playbook. That’s why soccer moms at school board meetings are “domestic terrorists.”
Taking the Distinct Attorney’s lead, the Feds gaslit everyone into thinking that Padula was a mafia figure and that Luthmann and Padula were extremely dangerous and needed to be detained on that basis. The late Judge Jack Weinstein saw through the gaslighting and Government bullshit right away:
“Who’s a made member?” Brooklyn federal Judge Jack B. Weinstein asked prosecutor Moira Kim Penza as she attempted to argue that lawyer Richard Luthmann and his co-defendants operated a scrap metal fraud scheme under the protective shadow of mafia muscle.
“None of them,” she responded.
The answer only exasperated the already on-edge judge.
“They can’t be connected to an amorphous concept of mafia,” Weinstein shot back, growing tired of “Who’s on First?” routine.
But Weinstein grew even more impatient when Penza was unable to say which organized crime family the government thought to be involved.
Defense attorneys for all three men have said the mafia claim is bogus, with George Padula’s lawyer, Gerald McMahon, saying his client “is not connected, his family is not connected, this is a complete red herring that will taint this trial.”
Shockingly, recently released FBI reports show that the Padulas are Italian-American businessmen and that Prosecutrix Penza and the FBI knew this all along. Specifically, the Padulas were early investors in a notable pub on Staten Island’s North Shore:
If you don’t believe the Feds (which you probably shouldn’t at this point), go ask the North Shore pub’s owner-operator, who is engaged to NYC Commissioner for Cultural Affairs Laurie Cumbo. Why would such an “upstanding citizen” be involved with the mafia and mafia money? Either the Padulas are clean, or the Padulas are dirty. If they are dirty, then “Henry” and Cumbo could be dirty too. The FBI report says so, and the FBI never lies (SMH). So if the FBI never lies, there should be an audit of his 2020 Democrat Primary Candidacy for New York State Assembly, where he outraised all of his opponents ($53,772.52) but still “lost.” Maybe this candidacy was simply a money laundering scheme or a device to procure and/or satisfy political quid pro quos? And to what extent is Laurie Cumbo and/or the STATEN ISLAND DEMOCRATIC ASSOCIATION involved in all of this? Maybe Party Chair and Assemblyman Michael Cusick needs a phone call to clarify why he pals around with deadbeats.
He’s still out there, sucking off the Government tit. The Distinct Attorney’s Office claims that they have no records of the obscene billing that continues to occur in the Distinct Attorney’s million-dollar “vanity case” against Luthmann. However, the NYC and NYS Comptrollers disagree with the Distinct Attorney and claim that his office has the records. Imminent litigation will resolve the issue and see who’s lying.
After all the records are procured, the Special Schmuck may very well be done as a Special prosecutor and have to go back to Family Court and collect child support, something actually within his capabilities.
Federal Collections
Thanks to the Distinct Attorney’s efforts in coordination with the FBI and DOJ, Luthmann owes the Federal Government close to $1 million based on what Luthmann believes is a bogus Federal Court Judgment. But the Government wants its money, so Luthmann, now having received documents from the FBI and billing records, is compelled to sue for legal fees earned and never collected in order to satisfy the Federal Court Judgment. Luthmann previously represented many of Staten Island’s Pirates and Scallywags.
While Luthmann was willing to move on and let sleeping dogs lie, the Government wants their money. If you get a letter from Luthmann’s collections lawyers in the next few days, you can thank the Distinct Attorney because you are “collateral damage.” Luthmann has a legal right to collect all fees owed (which in many cases are substantial). See E. European Trading, Corp. v. Knaust, 2015 NY Slip Op 04413, 128 A.D.3d 589, 11 N.Y.S.3d 112 (App. Div. 1st Dept.); Concrete Indus. One Corp. v. Empire Outlet Builders, 2021 NY Slip Op 50407(U), 71 Misc. 3d 1219(A), 144 N.Y.S.3d 557 (Sup. Ct.). And none of the people that will be receiving demand letters have a legal defense to the collections. The statute of limitations for legal malpractice is three (3) years, and none of these parties made any claim on that basis. Other former clients sought relief through malpractice insurance and otherwise, and accommodations were made. These collection letters will go out to several parties, including:
Queen “Crime” of the North Shore and her associates (her middle name is “Crime” because Crime never pays, and neither do they).
Evidently, if the name LUTHMANN comes out your mouth one too many times, KARMA intercedes, and your family members disappear. See you in 120 months. Watch out for the showers and the CHOMOs.
Baby Murders continue to receive Holy Communion with impunity. I never thought I would see the day when the Church’s pastoral administrators became moral relativists. But here we are. If it’s all relative, maybe you should start negotiating down the price of your annulment.
What’s Next?
Is there more? Of course, there is more. Luthmann is armed with many weapons in the Great Troll War.
But there will be many more Enemies to come. What new Enemies will show their faces in the Feudal Court and elsewhere? Which members of the Tyrannical Ruling Elite should be worried? What other persons may become collateral damage in this story? And what magical weapons does Luthmann have to slay his Enemies?
Stay tuned. Much more to come.
If you have any comments, you can reply to this message. If you have any tips to help our hero Luthmann in his Troll War, you can send them to richard.luthmann@protonmail.com.