Journalist Richard Luthmann's Crusade: Exposing Christopher Ambrose's Manipulations and US Probation's Orwellian Overreach
Florida US Probation Officers Violate Luthmann's First Amendment Rights Because They Are Tired Of Ambrose's Incessant Phone Calls

By M. Thomas Nast
“It sucks when one day you wake up, and there’s a lis pendens on your house. But that’s where these people want me to take things,” said Richard Luthmann. “I’m prepared to let the whole forest burn.”
Last month, Luthmann, a contributor to this publication, filed an extensive, multi-million dollar complaint in Manhattan Supreme Court.
I spoke with the former lawyer and federal prisoner-turned-journalist. Luthmann told me that alleged Connecticut child molester and pedophile Christopher Ambrose isn’t taking too well to being sued. Everyone knows Ambrose was run out of Hollywood for being a plagiarist. And apparently, everyone except the Florida US Probation Department knows you can’t trust a word from his mouth.
Psychopath Ambrose Lies To Florida US Probation Over 100 Times
Ambrose was diagnosed as a dangerous psychopath by Dr. Bandy Lee, M.D.
Following psychopathic tendencies, Ambrose has called the Florida US Probation Office on Luthmann - over a hundred times. They are sick and tired of hearing him, so a “District Supervisor” acceded to Ambrose’s corrupt demands.
Last week, Luthmann was told he could not affiliate with certain other journalists and sources, including Frank Parlato of the Frank Report, where Luthmann is a contributing writer. Parlato was also told the same thing by his Probation Officer in the Southern District of Florida.
As of now, the US Probation Office wants “radio silence.” Luthmann says they have no legal authority to make that request.
“This is a stark violation of my First and Fifth Amendment rights. And this isn't me saying it. I have covered legal opinion that I may operate as a member of the press in good faith and without molestation by the government at the behest of Christopher Ambrose and others who have personal gripes with me,” Luthmann wrote.
Luthmann wants to personally sue the US Probation District Supervisor and others for gross negligence and deliberate indifference, causing him constitutional harm. And he may have a case because they didn’t investigate Ambrose’s lies.
Luthmann wrote, “I have said on numerous occasions that I don't want to sue good cops. And I won't. But that begs the question - How good can a cop be that doesn't corroborate the facts?”
Ambrose’s and Others’ Lies to the Federal Government
Luthmann says because of Ambrose’s lies, US Probation believes he is engaged in “criminal activities” with other journalists.
Parlato pleaded guilty to a single count of failure to report cash receipts over $10,000. Luthmann discussed the “troubling” nature of the case in a previously published article.
“It’s pure bullshit. The US Government says I’m not allowed to associate with other journalists or sources with criminal records, and it’s stifling my ability to practice journalism, particularly because I write about courts and prisons,” Luthmann said. “This is textbook content-based censorship of speech and press freedoms. They need more justification than a pedo’s constant complaints.”
Luthmann thinks the US Probation Department has it all wrong and is getting “hoodwinked” by Ambrose, a manipulative, dangerous abuser.
“Judge Jack Weinstein is probably turning over in his grave. Everyone knows how much he was a champion of second chances. I guess by their logic, if I can’t have a constitutionally protected trade, I shouldn’t have to pay back restitution they claim is legally required. If they can pick and choose laws, so can I.”
Luthmann says Ambrose has been telling blatant lies to the federal government to cause him harm in his new profession as a journalist. He has proof that the Florida US Probation Office is taking Ambrose’s side against him and the US Constitution.
“Orwellian” Government Actions
In April, in response to Love, Ambrose, and others’ incessant calls and complaints, US Probation told Luthmann he could not collect on his lawsuits, practice journalism, associate with other journalists, write about the government, Chris Ambrose, Kamillah Hanks, Kevin Love, or Ronald Castorina.
“How can they tell journalists not to practice journalism or write about the government? To shut up a guy like Matt Taibbi, who did a deep dive into the government’s troubling COVID-19 partnership with Big Pharma and Big Tech, all they have to do is find an obscure tax or process crime,” Luthmann said.
“Once they charge him, they offer him no fines or jail time but three years’ probation. Then, his probation officer says shut up and don’t write about the government for the next three years. And here’s a list of journalists and sources you can’t communicate with. And basically, this is what the Biden Administration tried to do with Matt Taibbi, trying to silence him,” Luthmann continued. “They did it to Parlato.”
The former bow-tied barrister says that censorship and silencing of the press and its right to newsgather, report, and disseminate information and opinions is central to the protections of the First Amendment.
“It’s bloody Orwellian that this isn’t even a second thought for US Probation or the US Courts that control them. And I’m not the only journalist who’s similarly situated. We’re seeing America quickly devolve into a ‘Banana Republic’,” Luthmann said. “The death of a free press is the death knell of democracy.”
Luthmann also said not allowing him to go to court and collect fees owed to him was a blatant violation.
“I’ve never seen a judge tell a lawyer they can’t collect on fees. Legal fees are collectible even after a lawyer dies, becomes disabled, or gets disbarred,” he said.
US Probation Threatens Luthmann To Waive His Constitutional Rights
In April 2023, US Probation told Luthmann he was “under investigation” for witness tampering. They gave him the following document by US Probation officers, hoping he would sign.
Luthmann would not sign. The Probation Department still took five months to “investigate” what Luthmann claims he could always do under the Bill of Rights.
“In March 2023, Kevin Barry Love called US Probation and said he and Kamillah Hanks were ‘witnesses’ and that I filed a lawsuit to ‘harass and intimidate’ them. Ambrose did the same thing about my journalism, calling my articles about him ‘slander.’ They and others spewed all sorts of lies. Now, by listening to these liars without investigating, US Probation opened itself up to a fat lawsuit against federal officers in their personal capacities where there won’t be any indemnification or immunity,” Luthmann said.
Luthmann claims that Ambrose’s lies led to US Probation’s improper directive that he could not practice journalism, leaving him unable to practice his trade in direct contravention of the First Amendment. Luthmann argues this also constitutes a de facto taking of valuable property rights.
The US Government changed its stance on August 8, 2023, when US Probation allowed Luthmann to freely engage in journalism and use the courts to collect all debts owed to him without limitations. Luthmann says he was guaranteed these rights all along.
Because of Ambrose’s latest volley of calls, the US Probation Department is at it again. And Luthmann vows to fight back.
Christopher Ambrose’s Conduct Exposed To Joseph C. “Joe” Collins, the Chief Probation Officer for the Middle District of Florida US Probation Department
Luthmann says he received more admissions from the Government just this week that Ambrose hasn’t stopped his interference. Luthmann can’t wait to take the Connecticut Blue Blood for all he’s worth.

“Christopher Ambrose is as scum as they come. But when you first meet him, he’s very charming and convincing. Most psychopaths are,” Luthmann said.
Luthmann continued, “It reminds me of the first time I met Keith Raniere. But when confronted with enough hard facts, most people see through the charm and the bullshit and view the person as the monster they are. But the psychopath still thinks they are correct and justified. That’s the Ambrose case in a nutshell.”

On Thursday, Luthmann emailed Joseph C. “Joe” Collins, the Chief Probation Officer for the Middle District of Florida US Probation Department.
Attached and below is information related to psychopath and pedophile Christopher Ambrose. He has called your offices over 100 times, trying to use the US Probation Department as an unwitting instrumentality in his and others' tortious interference and harm to me. The US Probation involvement rises to 42 USC sec 1983 actionability.
Now, it appears that a District Supervisor is sick and tired of hearing Ambrose, so rather than uphold the obligations of the US Constitution, that District Supervisor has ordered US Probation to tell me to effectively cease and desist from journalism activities and communication with other journalists necessary to my work, including but not limited to Frank Parlato and Bobby Mimmo.
I am a bonafide journalist with dozens, if not hundreds, of published works. This is a stark violation of my First and Fifth Amendment rights. And this isn't me saying it. I have covered legal opinion that I may operate as a member of the press in good faith and without molestation by the government at the behest of Christopher Ambrose and others who have personal gripes with me.
Ambrose was the subject of some of my articles. Now I am suing him because he has complained about me to anyone he can, including state and federal law enforcement. These claims are lies and unfounded. Any simple investigation will show that. I have suffered significant damages because of his tortious conduct. A suit is now pending in New York, and Ambrose has already been served. See the attached.
I am sending this communication to you in the hopes that you may intervene for US Probation before I am forced to go to the US Court and Judge Polster Chappell with an emergency application.
As of press time, Luthmann confirmed he received no response from the Florida US Probation Department.
Luthmann says he is preparing applications in New York State and Florida Federal court in case they must be filed to restrain Ambrose.
“I want him to get put on a leash. Then, Ambrose will probably get thrown in a cage when I show the facts. I believe there are mandatory minimums for what he’s done, and people like him don’t do well on the inside. Believe me,” Luthmann said.
Luthmann says the situation is critical. “I’m trying to use the courts and handle things in a civilized way. But if I’m not treated fairly, there will be plenty of time for additional measures. The Rudy Giuliani case shows us that one way to destroy somebody is to take all their money. And it’s a lot easier to do it to corrupt, dirty, and lazy cops.”
The Luthmann - Ambrose Backstory
Luthmann says Christopher Ambrose continues to interfere with his practice of journalism. Ambrose attacked Luthmann for exposing in his reporting that Ambrose is a psychopath who molests his children in an article he wrote for the Frank Report in March 2023. While the facts presented were unflattering, they were all true.
Christopher Ambrose Fails at Everything But One Special Talent
Ambrose didn’t like Luthmann what Luthmann had to say. So he called his cop buddy, Police Chief Jack Drumm, in Madison, CT, who took Ambrose’s complaint seriously. In most police precincts, this complaint doesn’t get past the front desk.
Luthmann lives in Naples, Florida, and was contacted by the Collier County Sheriff, who received an “official complaint.” Ambrose had the Florida authorities chasing down a reporter writing unflattering (but accurate) things about them—shades of Matt Taibbi.
Luthmann met with a deputy Sheriff who told him he was being “investigated” for libel under Florida law, a misdemeanor crime.
“Her jaw literally dropped once I showed her what was going on,” Luthmann said when called for comment.
“Not only is this whole thing a waste of police time and resources, but it has a chilling effect on the press. I’m not even sure the Florida criminal libel statute would withstand First Amendment scrutiny with this Supreme Court,” said the former lawyer.
Luthmann filed his own sworn statement against Ambrose in April. He alleged Ambrose’s “libel” and “harassment” complaint was little more than an “alibi” for the serious criminal activity that had occurred in Ambrose’s home.
But Ambrose does not stop. And Luthmann is prepared to make an issue out of things.
“If I have to go to jail to defend journalism, I will. I am trying to collect money to pay back my restitution. The US Probation Office, an arm of the US Courts, tells me to stop everything. One officer even said, ‘You can’t just go out there and write your opinions.’ I responded, ‘That’s the point of the First Amendment, now isn’t it?’, “Luthmann said.
Waste, Fraud, and Abuse at the Florida US Probation Office?
Luthmann says he thinks the US Probation Office would be OK with him going on disability, in which case the US Taxpayers would never get paid back.
“I wouldn’t have any problems if I sat around and collected federal disability. I qualify because of my physical, mental, emotional, and legal disabilities. Judge Weinstein wanted me to develop a trade to support myself and said so at my sentencing and in the judgment. He would be aghast right now that someone using their God-given talents and trying to break into journalism after prison is being told not to try. They hit the trifecta on waste, fraud, and abuse by acting on Ambrose’s lies when they didn’t bother to investigate,” he said.
Luthmann says learning from Parlato is more valuable than journalism school.
“The total cost of Columbia Journalism School is $126,691, and it takes 9 1/2 months to complete the program. That seems like a good starting point for a judgment to hang around these corrupt US Probation officers’ necks. It’s not like the judge can ‘order’ a journalist of Frank Parlato’s calliber to take me under their wing.”
“I believe they aren’t equipped to deal with the Kevin Barry Loves, Christopher Ambroses, Eric Nelsons, and Ron Castorinas of the world. These people will do anything and say anything to get their way, including lying to a Federal Officer,” Luthmann said.
Luthmann also said he’s not worried about US Probation violating him in retaliation. “One way how you can fix things is litigation. If they are going to retaliate against me for calling out their constitutional violations while corruptly supporting Ambrose, a psychopath and abuser, then they will have a problem. I never stop talking about and exposing corrupt people who have wronged me and others, and I will add them to my list. I’m not anti-cop. I’m anti-corruption,” he said.
I don’t think Luthmann is anti-cop. I think he’s pro-constitution and anti-idiocy. And I don’t think anyone can punish him for that.
The truth hurts